The Hogwarts Express

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Hermione's PoV

I sat with Harry and Ginny in our compartment, jiggling my leg excitedly for the upcoming school year. We sat there amiably, for upwards of fifteen minutes, until we began to wonder where Ron was. 

Just as the whistle blew, Ron puffed into the compartment, late as usual.

"Ron! You arrived at the same time as me, yet you still managed to almost miss the train." Ginny said exasperatedly.

Ron glared at his sister for a moment and then went to sit beside Harry, where I was sitting. This appeared to be the first time he noticed I was in the compartment. He went beet red and started awkwardly rubbing his neck, before backing slowly towards the door. I stared at him dispassionately, before rising and striding over to him in one movement, and pressing my wand to his throat.

"Get out," I said, quite calmly. Ron went to argue, but then Harry gave him a look that said no. He continued his path out the door and turned left to go to another compartment. I sat down and ignored Harry and Ginny's concerned looks, beginning the conversation again as if nothing had happened.

I zoned out of the conversation after a while and began casually staring at Ginny who was sitting across from me.

She is very beautiful, I thought,  look at all her wonderful curves, and those lips, and- hold up, why am I sitting here thinking Ginny is so beautiful? Surely it is just another one of those things I do where I constantly compare myself to other girls? But it doesn't seem like it. I assessed my thoughts and feelings, using my wonderfully logical brain to come up with a logical explanation. When I found one, I had to physically stop myself from gasping aloud.

"I'm going for a walk," I said, stumbling slightly on my way out the door.


Ginny's PoV

I watched Harry stare bemusedly after Hermione,  oblivious to the actual happenings in the world of girls. She couldn't be, I thought, but then, why not? Because she was dating Ron. But did she ever love him?  Probably not, given that after she threw a vase at his head she moved on in under four days. Hmm, maybe I should just ask her? No, probably not, she'd just go into denial even further.  I was roused from my thoughts by the compartment door opening. Looking up, hoping to see Hermione, I was annoyed to see Ron looking in kind of sheepishly. 

"Oh few, she's gone now," Ron said, making himself comfortable in Hermione's seat, "She's a mad one, she is! I would never believe it, our relationship is still going strong and everything!" 

I looked at Ron incredulously, "Ron, like Hermione, said, get out. She told us everything about what happened to your so-called 'relationship'. And I will have you know, she is perfectly happy about it being over, and she feels better now that it is. So get. Out!" He backed out of the compartment quickly after that. 

Five minutes later, Hermione came back into the compartment, looking determined but slightly nervous.

"Right," she said, "I am about to tell you something, and if it grosses you out, please just leave and never talk to me again-"

"You're lesbian, aren't you?" Harry asked.

"What? how did you know?"

"Good question, Hermione, how did you know Harry?"

"I mean it's kind of obvious if you think about it. Who is that okay after their boyfriend of nine months and crush of six years breaks up with them? It was obvious to me at least"

I was impressed. Apparently Harry is much more observant to the minds of girls than I thought. I realised from the look on Hermione's face that she was taking my relative silence as a sign of disapproval, or worse, disgust.

"Okay, that's cool with me. I don't mind one bit, I don't really think it makes a difference to who you are."

"Yes, thanks to Gin, although technically I'm not lesbian, I'm just bisexual, because I did like Victor, and I think I just like girls as well as boys."

Harry, being the blessed soul that he is, took this as an opportunity to avoid a potentially awkward silence by starting up a conversation about who was the prettiest person at Hogwarts.

"We each get to vote for three girls and three boys, starting with third, through to first. I will go first with girls," he said cheerfully, " Third place goes to, um, well I hate to say it, but Astoria Greengrass is in my top three. Second I would probably put Cho Chang, although she would come close to last in a personality contest. And of course, Ginny will always win first place in my heart, and my honest opinion is that she is the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts as well."

Now it was my turn, "Well, I'll have to go with Harry with Astoria Greengrass in third place, and then Hermione in second place, and yes Hermione, I am being truthful, and then... well I've always thought that Parvati Patil was rather good looking, so she can go in first place. Ugh, now I feel judgy as hell." I shrugged and looked at Hermione.

Hermione's PoV 

"Well, I don't know whether to be offended that I wasn't in your top three or mildly sickened by the fact of how stupidly romantic that was, Harry,"  I responded cheerfully, "but my top three girls would be, uh, um, well, hmm, ah, you see I only just realised I'm bi, so this may take a while." I continued thinking, "Well I don't want it to be influenced by House, smarts, or personality, so, hmm, oh! I've got a charm for that! Sententia!" I focused as hard as I could on all the girls at school, and when I felt a soft beep inside my head I opened my eyes. I opened my eyes and saw, displayed in front of me in an unreal mist, with numbers floating above their heads.

I gulped, and said, "In third place, it seems, we have Ginny Weasley, in second, it is Luna Lovegood," I shrugged, thinking maybe this wasn't going to be so bad! These people were all my friends and commonly known for their (if unconventional) beauty, " and in first, we have  Pansy Parkinson!" My eyes widened in shock. I would never think pug-face Pansy was beautiful! Even if she did have perfect lips, and eyes, and nose, and, well everything actually. Ugh, why does my bisexual heart have to like Pansy? Hold up, we never went into the 'like' category! Just pretty. Ugh. I continued to think, mulling over my thoughts slowly, oblivious to Ginny and Harry's excited whispers in the background. At some point I must have dozed off, because I woke to the sound of the  whistle blowing, and rushed to change my clothes before we arrived. However, I realised that I couldn't have slept for that long, and it was just the half-way whistle. I looked over to where Harry and Ginny were sitting and realised that they weren't in the compartment. Lucky, since I had just practically stripped my clothes off.

I decided to go for a walk and see where they were and stretch my legs. I wandered out of the compartment and down the halls of the train.

I had gotten all the way to the front of the train and I was about to turn back when I heard some familiar voices coming from the staff carriage.

"Sorry Hermione isn't here, Professor," I heard Ginny apologise, "She was sound asleep, and I know for a fact she hasn't been sleeping well lately, so I wanted to let her sleep."

"That is quite alright, Ginevra," McGonagall replied, so I mustered up my courage and knocked on the door, "Enter!"

I walked into the room, apologising for my lateness. I saw a group of about ten to twenty people, all familiar faces from my year group.

"What's going on?" I asked, confused.

"I was just discussing the sleeping arrangements concerning your year group this year. We have decided that you will be able to choose three preferences for who you will share an apartment of sorts with, and according to those preferences, and our discretion of course, we will decide on your most appropriate sleeping partner. Now, take out your parchment and quills and write down your three preferences, with one being your top preference, and put them in my hat. Thank you may now go back to your carriages and prepare for arrival at Hogwarts."

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