Who Am I?

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As I picked at my dinner, murmuring responses to conversations and generally keeping to myself, I asked myself, Who am I? Because I didn't love Ron any more. I didn't. 

Let's look at the facts, shall we?  I told myself  Ron is not good to me. Does he care? Maybe. Do I love him? Not anymore. Why?  Because he loves me for who I was, who I have been, and what I have done, not who I am. What do I want? to move on. How do I get it? Three steps. One, Explain to Ron how I feel. Two, find someone else I like. Three, Find someone who I like who loves me back.  Satisfied, and feeling much calmer, I returned to my dinner with more vigour. I was about to whisper in Ron's ear that I needed to talk to him, when he got up from the table and walked up to our room, shutting the door behind him. A few minutes later I heard the shower turn on. there was an awkward silence at the table, before George walked sullenly up to his and F- his room. I bowed my head, feeling my breath shorten once again at the memory of Fred. My tears began to well, and I started gasping for air. I ran up to our bedroom, seeking comfort from Ron before I denounced him forever.

"Ron?" I called, knocking lightly on the door, " Ron? C-can I come in?" I was just about to fall to the floor in tears, thinking Ron was ignoring me again, before the door swung open and I breathed. Ron was standing there, with a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair mussed up from the shower. I collapsed into him, letting the tears flow. He patted my back, unemotionally, and said, "Oh Hermione, not again." From anyone else this would have been taken as caring, or worried, but the way Ron said it, it was full of contempt and loathing. I grimaced, and felt they unfairness of it all roil  in my gut, oily and unpleasant. I gulped, and then realised the sensation in my gut was nausea.

I leapt out of Ron's arms and sprinted to the bathroom, opening the door and slamming it behind me. I was so intent on puking up dinner ( and some of breakfast) that I didn't hear Ron yell, "Hermione, NO".

I heard a noise, and when I finished, I looked behind me. The noise had been the shower curtain behind pulled shut, but I could still see the silhouette of a girl in the shower. I frowned, It wasn't Ginny, she was still at the table when I left, so who could it be? I did a non-verbal 'sonos' charm, and the sound of two doors slamming, one after the other sounded. I followed this with a swift 'ventriloquasar', and the sound of me yelling projected itself into the mystery girls ears.

It seemed that my magic worked, and the girl called out, "Won Won, is she gone?" I paused, my reaction delayed by the fact that if Lavender - for it was Lavender - was really stupid enough to call out and ask if I was gone, how had she gone under my nose for who knows how long.

That was enough time for reaction to catch up. feeling vindictive, I muttered "Ronald Vocem Fake," and called out in Ron's voice, " yes, Lav, dear, she's gone. Here's a towel," I chucked a towel over the shower rail for Lavender to cover herself with, and if that did'nt make her suspicious, I didn't know what would. I quickly cast a disillusionment charm over myself and waited.

A few minutes later, a sparsely clad Lavender emerged.

I followed her through the door, and saw her chat to Ron for a bit, Ron trying to interrupt at every given opportunity.

"Hold ON! Lavender, how did you get past Hermione? She was puking her guts up in there a second ago."

"I thought that was a cat"

"Lavender. We don't have a cat."

"Where'd she go then? I hid behind the curtain, heard the bathroom door and then the bedroom door slam, and Hermione yelling, and then you were in there passing me a towel and telling me she was gone"

"Oh that sneaky little-" Ron growled, just loud enough for me to hear. I picked up a vase, and almost dropped it when Lavender screamed.

"The tea leaves!!!!!! they came true!" Lavender yelled, before I took off the disillusionment charm and hurled it at Ron's bemused head.

I ran out the door without bothering to check if I hit my mark and sprinted up the stairs to Harry and Ginny's room and burst in. Harry and Ginny leapt apart as if an electric shock had hit them, and I didn't even bother to roll my eyes. My eyes were too busy crying. I collapsed on the ground, sobbing, and Ginny recovered from her embarrassment to run to my side.

Ginny's PoV

After Hermione ran in on Harry and I kissing, and collapsed to the floor sobbing, she cried for half an hour. Harry and I dragged her to the bed, and all we managed to get out of her was 'Ron' 'Lavender' 'Me' 'no-one' and some self-deprecating phrases. After we got her upright, we managed to placate her enough to get her to stop crying. However, this may not have been an improvement, as she proceeded to give us, in excruciating detail - an account of her and Ron's relationship over the past few days; how as it declined, she found herself falling out of love with Ron. I listened patiently until she got to the bit where she suddenly felt nauseous, and I jumped up and dragged her to the bathroom.  I locked the door, put an 'Impervious' charm on it so Harry couldn't listen in, and began.

"When did you last have your monthly?"

"about four weeks ago. Why?"

"Check" She sighed and turned around, looking for the signs of her monthly.

"Not much, just some light spotting. I'll protect myself soon"

"Ah HA! Your cheeks are pink too, a sign of a mild fever! I can't tell by putting my hand on it, but..." I handed her a box, and exited, saying, "You'll figure it out"

Hermione's PoV

 Now that I had stopped crying, I saw what Ginny had given me. It was a muggle pregnancy test. I'd used these before, in moments of panic following a late monthly, or a dose of vomiting bug, but I was confused as to what Ginny was alluding to. I shrugged, locked the door out of habit, and sat down on the toilet. Four minutes later, I was sitting on the floor of the bathroom, thinking placidly about my existence, about Ron, and about who I am, and who I want to be. I sat there, so lost in thought that seven minutes later I almost missed Ginny's knock. "Hermione! I'm pretty sure it's been three minutes. Can you let us in?"

I waved my wand lazily at the door, still in zen mode, absolutely convinced that nothing could go wrong. Me and Ron always used protection. Always. I looked p as Harry and Ginny walked in, and Ginny walked over to the sink where I had placed the test on a square of toilet paper. Harry joined her, grasping her hand nervously. I looked up at them, and they looked down at me, their expressions unreadable.


A/N Tee Hee hee i could have continued on this chapter, but who doesn't love a ciffhanger. Is Ginny right? Or were Hermione and Ron safe? Who Knows. I don't ;)

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