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It opened wide, and a noise that sounded like buzzing to everyone else filled my ears, forming two words.


I looked up, eyes wide and looked dead on into Ron's crystal blue eyes. The same eyes that I once got lost in, and wished for their crystal peace to encase me in a cocoon of warmth. Now I had to restrain myself from stabbing them out with a silver fork.

"Shi----versssss!" I said, looking Ron dead in the eye, being met with the same face of disgust that I was clearly projecting, "I was not expecting it to be you!" I gulped

"Well, Miss Granger, Mr Weasley, you can begin making Amortentia. Instructions are on the board as follows. Everyone else, line up for a turn at the choice Potion"

I walked slowly to the back of the room. Ronald pulled out his cauldron, and I sat beside it, refusing to make eye contact.

Ron checked the board twice before walking over to the storage cupboard, and I nodded to myself, noting his increasing capability in Potions. He wordlessly handed my a shriveled Lilli Pilli root to dice. I did so silently, before adding it to the cauldron with shrunken Moonlight and Rome blood. I stoked the fire until it became medium hot, and we set it to simmer. I was just about to pull a book out of my bag to read when Ron spoke.

Ron's PoV

I looked at Hermione's beautiful face anxiously. She had gotten so much more beautiful since we broke up, and I can't help but feel good that I broke up with her. I know I did it in an insensitive way, but I had to, all things considered.

" How's everything going?" I asked, mentally cursing my cringyness.

"Fine. How're things with you and Lavender?" Hermione's tone was light, but I could see the cold steel in her eyes.

"Yeah, well about that, could I talk to you somewhere more private?" I saw Hermione consider, and sighed with relief when she replied.

"Yes, I suppose that would be alright. How does tomorrow at eight-fifteen AM in the Owlery sound?"

"Yep. That should be alright," I responded, "We'd better get the wormwood essence in before it's wrecked."

We continued working in silence, but it was less frosty than before, now just kind of like late autumn instead of midwinter.


"I see everyone has completed their potions, one way or another. Those of you with ruined potions will borrow from Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermione, and Draco and Pansy. I now want you to decide on whom will be taking the Potion first." Professor Henderson sat back down as the hubbub rose once more.

"So, do you want me to go first?" I asked quietly.

"No thanks, I'd quite like to go first, so that I can tell myself that I must have done the same to you when you are fondling me. "

"Alright then, I was just asking!" I said indingnantly.

We were both completely oblivious to the jealous mutterings of all the single boys around us, saying how they wish they'd been partnered with Hermione and that I didn't deserve such luck given what I did to her.

"Let's get this over with, " Hermione said, watering down our potion and taking a vial. She measured it carefully; she didn't want anything to go wrong.

Hermione's PoV

I swallowed. Took a cleansing breath. Checked the measurement one last time. And then in one fluid movement, I gulped down the entire vial...

A/N Aah sorry! another cliffhanger! Shivers pt. 2 will be out soon I promise! As thanks for 1K reads (and just because I had a great idea), I have started a new book of oneshots which is on my profile page :)

QOTD: What sort of school do you think I go to (i.e. Private, Religious or Public)?

recently I have discovered an author called @midnightpansy she deserves way more reads than she has, go check out her stories, I am currently reading an awesome one called Pink Pansies and Blue Silk.

Seriously, go check her out!

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