Phase one Part three

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A/N EDITED (partially)

I do not own Harry potter, it belongs to J.K Rowling, and Apple's appearance was entirely coincidental. Do not sue me please, I am just an admirer

Harry's PoV

I was just showing everyone how to use the time-turner, and how to calculate the number of turns required when I heard Hermione stalk ominously outside. I didn't really want to hear what would happen next, so I quickly enlarged the chain and slung it around everyone's necks, before quickly turning it 42 times. Just as we all began to fade away, I heard Hermione yell, "Ronald Bilius Weasley! What The HELL do you think you are doing?"

We saw the inside of the flat throughout the past day, waiting as Ginny and Hermione flickered in front of us going backwards through their daily routine, And stopped at five thirty Yesterday morning. Quietly, we walked out of their room, hushing Fred's portrait along the way, and began our errands.


"Justin, You're so stupid!"I yelled, having a fake argument with him as pretext for what was going to happen next. I saw Pansy round the corner, looking bemusedly at us arguing, and I waited. One step, two steps... I shoved Justin off of me, yelling swear words at him, and was relieved when he flew into Pansy and knocked her books out of her hand. He hurried to pick them up for her as I stormed off gleefully.


Luna's PoV

"Cho! What are you doing? Stop! Stop it!" Cho continued to throw my boots up until she successfully hooked them around a rafter, before running off to find Ginny. I began jumping to try and get the boots, cautiously checking where Pansy was. When she was behind me, I 'stumbled' and fell into her.

"ugh, Get OFF me Loony"

"Sorry, Pansy, the Nargles distracted me." I said as I reached for her books which I had knocked down.


Cho's PoV

I felt a bit bad about Luna's boots, but  I wandered off anyway to find Ginny.

"There you are, Cho. I was wanting to tell you about what I saw Miriam Thorpeson doing today."

"What was it?" I asked curiously, knowing it was an act. I checked the Marauder's map quickly, and saw Pansy in the next corridor.

"Well she was spinning around and waving her arms, and then she did a cartwheel and a forward somersault." I winked at Ginny, the code for 'Pansy's here', and she began to demonstrate. First she whacked Pansy while spinning around, and then cartwheeled into her, and then somersaulted through her book bag. After all that she looked up, not even remotely abashed, but picked Pansy's books up nonetheless.


Dean's PoV

Seamus and I stumbled clumsily out of the fifth floor broom cupboard at the appointed time, holding onto each other like our lives depended on it. We crashed into Pansy and untangled ourselves, blushing furiously while we hurried to pick up her books.

"What is it with people today and running into me?!?!" Pansy yelled furiously before storming off.


Ernie's PoV

"Neville that is not a mimbulus mimbletonia! I got an O in Herbology last year!"

"Yeah? And I got an O+!" Neville said aggressively, and I winked at him so he squeezed the cactus, aiming it at Pansy, who squealed and dropped her books, which I picked up for her, apologising profusely like a true Hufflepuff.



Pansy's PoV

I shook my head blurrily. Hang on, it could have been anyone! Everybody ran into me  yesterday. There was Cho, and Neville, and Ginny, and, oh, who else?  I shrugged and wandered down to ask Blaise about the black rectangle. I noticed that it said Apple on it. Thinking it might be food, I bit into it. I almost retched. Definitely need Blaise's help.


Five minutes ago

Hermione's PoV

I stalked out of Ginny and my flat, kicking the nub of fleshy string viciously as I opened the door.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley! What the hell do you think you are doing?"I yelled furiously, "You cheat on me with Lavender of all girls, then act offended when I break up with you, and now you do this! How dare you listen to something that you weren't invited to. This is exactly why I didn't invite you, because you, you lying bag of scum, Cannot! Be! Trusted!" I advanced slowly on him, and he stumbled away.

'Hermione! Hermione wait!" He begged, "Let me explain"

"Alright then, You have until I think of a suitable way to punish you , which could be some time," I said menacingly

"Well the thing is Hermione, I love you. I want you bac-"

"NO! You, Ronald Bilius Weasley do not GET to 'want me back'. You do not get to beg for my forgiveness and say that you love me! You do not GET to do anything to me ever again! I can see why you are in Gryffindor, having the nerve to do these things."

Ron frowned and replied, "I'm not the only one in the wrong here, Hermione. How long were you secretly bisexual while we were together?" he stalked off, leaving me in his angry wake

"FYI, Ron, never," I called after him, receiving only a clenched fist in return. Realising that he would tell everyone I was lesbian, I muttered, "Obliviate Specifica," thinking of the specific memory I wanted him to lose.  Utterly drained from our fight but satisfied, I collapsed on my bed, finally able to relax.

A/N Questions of the day:

1. Apple or Android?

2. What do you want to see more of in my story/s?


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