The Feast

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I sat in the great hall, poking my chicken leg around my plate. I was very nervous about what was going to come after the feast when Professor McGonagall was to announce our roommates for the year. she had told us that under no circumstances would we be put with partners of the opposite gender, to ensure 'no high-jinks or tomfoolery will occur'. That was a bit close-minded of her in my opinion, but I didn't mind. It didn't really affect me anyway. 

The feast passed quickly in my worry, ad all too soon we were lined up much like in first year, in front of the sorting hat. I remembered what I'd written on my parchment, and quivered. What if the sorting hat chose Pansy? As much I liked-thought she was cute, I didn't want her or anyone else to know that. If the sorting hat did choose her, the whole school would know things about me that they don't need to know. The line dwindled slowly, and Professor read out my name

"Aah, a newly developed sexuality, and you are confused about whom you may or may not like," The Sorting Hat's mildly sleazy voice echoed in my ears, "oh well, I'll be kind to you, my dear, and allow your confusion to rest a little. Better be, Ginny Weasley!" I sighed with relief, grabbing Ginny's hand and dragging her out to wear Professor Flitwick would assign our rooms. 

Fifteen minutes later, Ginny and I settled into our rooms. They were comforting and functional, with a white and chrome island, silver fridge, microwave and stove for if we wanted to cook for ourselves, some squashy armchairs in red, yellow, blue and green, along with a bathroom with the theme of gold silver bronze and black, with a bathtub worthy of the prefect's bathroom. 

Ginny and I settled into the twin single bedroom and unpacked our stuff. I could already tell I was going to be very comfortable here.

"Well the first thing we have to do is pick a portrait for our door, and a password or movement that we have to do to get in," Ginny told me.

"Well, we should pick a portrait first. McGonagall suggested that we choose to honour someone who died in the war, and I think that would really help with my nightmares. "

"Okay, so what about Tonks? or Fred, or Lupin?"

"I was thinking Fred," I replied, "As he is the one that I have nightmares about the most, and we could charm it so we could chat to him just like we used to be able to."

Ginny hurriedly blinked back tears, before nodding enthusiastically, and we wrote down our request on a piece of parchment and gave it to Ginny's owl, Blacksmith (A/N see what I did there? Gred and Forge?) to deliver. 

As we went to bed that night, I felt relieved that I had someone like Ginny sharing with me; someone whom I could trust with everything.

A/N sorry it was so short, just a filler, but I wanted to get this out there. if you like the story vote, and if you want to guess what happens next leave a comment. The closest guess will get a shout-out in the next chapter. My thanks go to Rice_with_chest-nuts for voting on my story! thank you so much, and If anyone is interested I. have just started another story on my profile, so please go and check it out for me. :) thanks so much.


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