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Harry and Ginny looked at me, expressions unreadable.

 I jolted upright and ran to the sink, my 'zen' mode deactivated. I looked at the test. Two pink lines. I sank to the floor, gasping for breath. I scrabbled for the box, urgently. When I found it, I looked at the side and found what I was looking for.

For completely reliable results, we at the First Look clinic suggest you visit a GP. Our test, while useful, can only provide 98 % accurate results. If you can't get to a pregnancy clinic right away, we suggest taking three tests, just to be as sure as you can. For more information on False Positive or Negative pregnancy tests, see our website on ...

"Ah-ha! Ginny, give me two more tests and a smartphone."
"I can manage the tests, but what's a smartphone?"

"Oh, sorry, never mind about the smartphone." Ginny went off to find two more tests, while Harry sat beside me and rubbed my arm whilst reading the side of the packet. When Ginny came back and handed me the tests, her and Harry left me to chug water and wait for Mother Nature to call. 

When I finally completed both tests, I set a timer for three minutes on my phone and checked them the instant it went off. I breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door for Harry and Ginny, who had begun a game of chopsticks in their boredom. They trooped in, and I smiled at how perfectly matched they were for each other. As they looked at the single pink line, Harry looked enormously relieved, and Ginny looked mildly put-out but overall relieved for me. 


As a celebration for me not getting pregnant, I decided to go on a splurge. I had worked part-time in Flourish and Blotts this summer and had saved a few hundred Galleons for my after-school life. Currently, I was saving for a trip to Australia, to find my missing parents. I also needed long-term St. Mungo's fees for their rehabilitation. However, I was planning on allotting myself fifty Galleons to spend.

As I walked down Diagon Alley, I was coming to the realisation that I did not want to spend my money on a splurge here. I already had lots of items purchased in Diagon Alley and found myself yearning for something muggle.

I walked to Gringotts and exchanged my money. I now had roughly 250 Pounds (I looked it up), and went window shopping. I saw a couple of nice dresses, and I was looking to restyle my wardrobe for after-school life, but I decided that could wait. I wanted to do that properly, and I wanted to save some more money beforehand. I continued walking and bought some piping hot fish 'n' chips. However, that did not satisfy my need for something muggle and continued walking further up the street. As I was walking, I heard a beep and felt a blast of air-conditioning. I sighed happily, as the Wizarding world was yet to figure out how to apply a cooling charm to an entire building. I thought for a second or two and then walked into the shop. I gasped, I was in JB Hi-Fi (Sorry if you guys don't know what that is, it is basically a technology store in Australia that sells lots of tech stuff and it is in England for the purpose of this story). This was the perfect thing to spend my money on!

Two hours later, I walked out of the store, a bit frazzled. I had a small yellow bag in one hand, containing two prepaid mobile phones. I had gotten cheap ones and wasn't quite sure why I wanted them, but I shrugged, thinking it was a good splurge anyway. 


A few muggle ice creams later, I realised that I didn't really have anywhere to go. I couldn't go back to the Burrow, because HE was there, I couldn't go to Grimmauld Place because the ministry hadn't cleared it for use after its potential infiltration during the war, my parents were still in Australia, and Hogwarts was closed for repairs. I sat down on a park bench and thought for a minute or two. I decided that I would ask Harry and ginny for help. If they were okay I could do an Undetectable Extension Charm on their closet and live in there for the few weeks until Hogwarts went back. 

I apparated back to the Burrow and snuck carefully inside. I just made it past the kitchen and sprinted the rest of the way to Harry and Ginny's room on the top floor. I was about to barge in when I heard strange moans, so I cautiously knocked. I was surprised to see Ginny open the door in a split second, not looking remotely dishevelled when I realised the moans must have been the family ghoul. 

"Hi Ginny, I just realised I have nowhere to sleep tonight, so I was wondering if it would be alright if I slept in your closet?"

"What?" Ginny replied.

"I would put an undetectable extension charm on it, shut the door, and add whatever furnishings I need with magic!"

"Oh, well yeah. If there's anything you need from us, including bashing up Ron, I would be happy to help." Ginny said, "Oh and I wanted to say, Hermione, sorry for making you think you might be pregnant"

"That's fine, Gin, in retrospect it was a somewhat reasonable assumption." I walked into their room and began my work in the closet. when I was done, the inside looked like this:

I had a place to stay for the next four days, and I didn't have to leave at all if I didn't want to!

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I had a place to stay for the next four days, and I didn't have to leave at all if I didn't want to!

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