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Hermione's PoV

I pounded on the door to Pansy and Luna's apartment. I could tell she was in there, but Luna wasn't letting me in (she'd run all the way there to beat me). I groaned and gave up. an hour of knocking probably was enough to tell me that I wasn't getting in.

I moped all the way back to my dorm and was almost too upset to pull my most ridiculous face at Fred before walking in. Almost. I walk inside and pull out my phone. Pansy needs to know that I still care, even if she told me she has a crush on someone other than me.

Anonymous: Hey, have you ever tried those little wrinkly brown fruit things called dates?

Pansy: i don't feel like talking.

Anonymous: I know. I was there. But have you tried them? They're seriously good.

Pansy: no, i havent tried them.

Anonymous: You should! Go to the kitchens and ask for some!

Pansy: whatever.

Anonymous: speaking of dates...

Anonymous: I know you have a crush on someone who isn't me, but I was wondering if you'd like to be my date to the ball?

Pansy's PoV

What the heck did I do to deserve this? Oh My God!!! Ohmigod.  Ok Pansy, play it cool. don't let on that you actually like her.

I took a cleansing breath. Then another. Time to respond.

Pansy: For that i'd have to know who you are.

Anonymous : :D yeah, and I've decided that I'm ready to show you my face. If you can't like me for who I am then maybe you aren't the one for me

I giggled. Hermione was so sweet, it was like a romance novel.

Pansy: Well I'd like to know who you are before the night of the ball and it's only four days away.

Anonymous: How about we meet up today?

Pansy: where?

Anonymous: The Library, 3:00 PM

Pansy: Ok.

I sat nervously on my bed, staring at the turquoise clock hanging on our wall.

"Don't let the Squddlefrumps get to you, Pans," Luna said cheerfully. Distracted from my impatience I asked,

"What's a Squddlefrump?"

"It's a large sloth that weighs absolutely nothing and is invisible, and it hangs around your neck and sticks it's four tongues in your ears and nostrils. It causes melancholy sensations and severe boredom or impatience."

"Cool, what do they eat? I might feed mine and hang it around Draco's neck for a prank," I responded mischievously.

"Oh no! Squddlefrumps don't eat anything except for dates and you mustn't use it as a prank, the get very angry and can severely injure your memory."

"Oh dear, I wouldn't like for that to happen to Draco," my eyes slid to the clock in the midst of my lie and I saw that it was 2:45, "Luna, I'd best be going. I said I'd meet a friend at the library at 3:00, and I really don't want to be late."

"Okay," she said serenely as I walked out, "be nice to Hermione!"

I shook my head at Luna's omniscience and continued on my way buoyantly, a plan forming in my head. I smirked.

1 Unread Message - A Pansmione taleWhere stories live. Discover now