Shivers Pt. 2

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Hermione's PoV

 I gulped down the potion. for a second, nothing happened. Then, a shiver went through my body, and I turned around to see the beautiful smiling face of Ronald Weasley, framed by a halo of orange hair. He swallowed nervously, his Adam's apple bobbing in his slender neck. He looked around as if begging for help, all around us were people either drinking or swooning at their partners.

"Don't look so worried, honey! We can go study together," I put an emphasis on the word study to let him know what I really meant. I intertwined our fingers sweetly as the bell rang for lunchtime, and we walked off together, my head rested on his shoulder.

Ron's PoV

I walked, hand in hand with Hermione, grimacing all the way. I'd loved Hermione, and she was beautiful and clever and kind, but this wasn't her! I hated this version of Hermione, and even though she liked me, I couldn't help but long for the old Hermione back. Even though she won't talk to me. For good reason, too. I just hope I can explain it all to her later.

She slung her arm around my shoulders and spun around to face me. "Won won, do you love me?" she asked, and I gagged. Her voluminous curls bounced around her head enticingly, but I was forced to say, " of course Hermione. Anything you say, Hermione."

She smiled happily before dragging me into a broom closet. 

A/N an hour later of Hermione trying to snog Ron and Ron being reluctant to because I'm no good at writing that stuff:

"Hermione, we'd best be going now, we've got Potions," I said, eager to get down to the dungeons.

" Just one more kiss, Won Won?" She begged, pouting her lower lip

"Oh, fine then, " I swooped in for a quick peck, trying to control my gag reflex. Hermione grabbed a fistful of my hair and tried to drag me down for a more forceful kiss, but I pulled away, dragging her down to the dungeons. Just as we crossed the threshold the potion wore off and Hermione yanked her hand out of mine and went and sat down, a stony look on her face. SHe only got up after Professor Henderson asked me to take my part of the potion

Hermione's PoV

Ron looked nervous. So nervous, in fact, that I almost reached out to pat his shoulder and tell him that it was okay. Almost.

I watched with anxiety as he brought the vial to his lips. What if he kissed me? What if he touched me?  What if I threw up on him because of what he did to me? It took all my resilience and indomitable spirit not to run from the dungeon right there and then. 

He took a sip, and I waited a few seconds while he swished it around his mouth.

"Bluk!" Ron spat out the potion onto the floor, "it tastes like beef!"

Professor Henderson asked, "What's wrong with beef?"

"It's the only food I hate on this planet!" Ron said. Professor Henderson gasped.

"Miss Granger, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You are excused from Potions for the rest of this day. I must have a conversation with Mr Weasley here which you need not concern yourself with."

I exited the classroom in a dignified manner and instead of doing what a lesser woman might have (listening under the door), I walked back to our apartment. 

"I love Billy to the end of the world and back," I said to Fred calmly, before closing the door behind me. I did not notice, however, the pair of pale ears sitting astride a head of black hair.

 Pansy's PoV

I heard Hermione say how she loved Billy, and that was when I broke. It couldn't be Hermione who liked me, even as I loved her back! She was straight as a ruler! I ran off sobbing, wallowing in my own misery. 

Hermione's Diary from Yesterday

 Dear Diary, 

Today four different boys asked me out. None of them were looking at my face when they did it. Funny how before I started caring about how I looked they didn't so much as look twice at me, and if they did it was to make some snide remark about my hair or teeth. I declined all of them, of course, but I can't help but want to do something about it. At least Pansy is still my friend, even if she doesn't know who I am. Yep, that's it, I'm doing something about it. while I just paused in writing to you, Fred was forced to let in another boy who wanted to take me to Hogsmeade next weekend. If I go with anyone, it will be Pansy, and she will probably hate me once she finds out who I am.

Diary, I must go forth and make a plan to conquer the oblivious fools of Hogwarts. Farewell, my sweet friend.

Hermione's Diary from today

Dear Diary,

Tomorrow is the day! Tomorrow I am going to do it! But enough of this, I must choose my outfit carefully! Away I go, dear friend.

A/N I thought Hermione might be slightly crazy in a diary entry. Did you like the chapter? I have a plan for the next two-plus a general idea for the rest of the story :) I'm going to be sad when this is over, send me requests for another story you want me to write, even if it's just ship suggestions

If you haven't already, go check out my one-shot book, another one just went up.

QOTD: Favourite movie that is rated M and under? 

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