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Pansy: Who are you

Anonymous: Like I would tell you.

Anonymous: That's for me to know and you to find out.

Anonymous: You'll never know... *fades dramatically away*

Pansy: stop playing around.

Anonymous: But the more I talk to you the better I feel

Pansy: Wait a sec

Pansy's PoV

Wait. Wait! How do I know she isn't a scammer?

I ran down to Blaise's room to ask him about scammers, but he wasn't there. I gulped, feeling totally overwhelmed by my lack of knowledge. I really need to read up about muggles. Or maybe study muggle studies. I thought.

Pansy: how do I know you aren't a scammer?

Anonymous: Because you go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry because you are a witch, and you call non magical people muggles. Happy?

Pansy: Okay, deal.

Pansy: So who are you?

Anonymous: I'm not telling you.

Pansy:Can't I have a hint?

Anonymous: I can guarantee you have had at least one conversation with me during your  time at Hogwarts

Pansy: Okay, that's not much of a hint though.

Anonymous: If you want better hints then be more specific

Pansy: Okay then, tell me something about what you look like

Anonymous: One hint per day! you can also ask me to do certain things if you like, but again, one per day

Pansy: Whatever.

Pansy's PoV

So I know that I've talked to them. Was it a nice conversation? Probably not. Most of my conversations aren't nice. I should make a list of things to ask them.

1. What colour is your hair?

2. What gender are you?

3. can you eat a green apple at breakfast tomorrow

4.Are we friends?

5. What house are you in

6. Am I in any of your classes?

7. If so, which ones?


I'll add to it as I think of things I 'spose. I walked down to the great hall, making a mental list of people I've had a conversation with. Based on the information I have, it could technically be a teacher. Eurgh, I don't even want to think about that. Anyway, tomorrow I'll ask  what colour their hair is. I'm hoping it's not ginger.

A/N This was a weird chapter bc I'm stuck at home and I"m going insane, but next chapter should be better and up soon.

Thank you all for of 600 views!!! This is incredible.

Question of the day: based on my writing style and Author Notes, what gender do you think I am (and if you're comfortable, what's yours).

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