New day, New Hint

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Pansy: Describe your hair in at least four sentences with excruciating detail.

Anonymous: Would it be easier if I wrote an essay?

Pansy: What? No! You're beginning to sound like Granger

Anonymous: I was kidding, Sweetie.

Anonymous: My hair goes down to the bottom of shoulder-blades (since you're a witch and probably don't know anything about anatomy, they are the lumps on your back that push out when you wiggle your arms) and is a deep brown. It is curly and difficult to manage, and sometimes I wish that my parents would let me just shave it all off. I normally wear it in a ponytail or messy bun, but on special occasions I let it  frame my face and hang down my back. When I was younger it was cut quite short and I hated it, hence why I grew it out. Bam. Four sentences in 'excruciating detail'.

Pansy: Thanks

Pansy: So you're a boy then?

Anonymous: Aha, nice try. Ask me that again tomorrow and then you'll get an answer. remember my golden rule: New day, new hint.

Read 8:24 AM

Hermione's PoV

I burst out into uncontrollable fits of laughter. This was going better than I had ever imagined. Not only did she not guess my gender correctly, but she was curious enough to try and get more than one answer a day out of me. Now I just have to flirt with her until she falls for me like I fell for her (but hopefully less painfully) .


Anonymous: Ow! Pansy, I need a Band - Aid!!! Quick!

Pansy: WTF is a Band-Aid?

Pansy: also why are you up! It is 6:15 in the MORNING. Ugh.

Anonymous: Sorry, a band-aid is like a miniature sticky bandage that you put on top of small cuts and stuff. Muggle thing, sorry.

Pansy: Why the hell do you need a miniature sticky bandage at 6:15???

Anonymous: Because I scraped my knee falling for you

Read 6:20 AM


Pansy: What Gender are you?

Anonymous: Do you really want to know?

Pansy: If I didn't would I ask?

Anonymous: Probably not. 

Anonymous: Well, here goes nothing.

Anonymous: I am a girl. I am also lesbian, and have been since summer.

Read 4:25 PM

Pansy's PoV

I sat on my bed near Luna and sighed. All I could think was Thank God for that! At least it isn't some prat who I have to let down gently.

"Did they tell you?" Luna asked, and I nodded, "How do you know for a fact that they aren't lying?" I looked at Luna in horror and asked her what she meant. "Well if you didn't make them swear to Merlin, there will be absolutely no repercussions for them lying, other than those they themselves create. "

I jumped up and ran into the kitchenette to grab the little phone where I'd left it on a charger I'd conjured up (with Blaise' assistance) and began frantically texting;

Pansy: How do I know you aren't lying?

Anonymous: That's a risk you'll have to take. You'll have to trust me.

Pansy: I want you to swear to Merlin

Anonymous: That won't be necessary.

Pansy: Why?

Anonymous: Because if you don't trust me to tell you the truth, why are you still here?

Pansy: I spose

Read 4:38 PM

Pansy's PoV

I thought about it. Why was I there, still texting some faceless girl with brown curly hair? It wasn't like I liked her, the only brown curly hair I wanted to run my hands through was Granger's, but she is off limits for being straight. I'm such a Slytherin, dragging along the poor girl like this, but it is nice to have someone to talk to, who likes me and I, well I trust her. I feel like I could empty my heart out to her, and she would never judge me back. Talking to her is the closest I've ever come to coming out to someone. Do I trust her with that information?

Hang on. Hang on a second! how does she know that I'm lesbian? Unless Luna's right and it is my worst guarded secret, no-one except for Luna knows. Unless she doesn't know and that's why she didn't really want to tell me what her gender was. She won't tell me until tomorrow I bet, but it's worth a try.

Pansy: Um, how do I put this...

Pansy: Can I ask you a question? It isn't a hint question, it's just something that's been bothering me a bit.

Anonymous: Fire away, although no promises about a response.

Pansy: Fire away... What an odd saying

Anonymous : Stop stalling and just ask me

Pansy: Why did you tell me what your gender was?

Anonymous: because you asked

Pansy: No, I mean, how could you be sure that I wasn't a total homophobe?

Anonymous: I wasn't

Read 5:08 PM

Pansy: Can you keep a secret?

Anonymous: Why?

Pansy: Because I want to tell you something, but I need you to understand that you can't tell anyone

Anonymous: I swear to Merlin that I won't tell anyone

Pansy: Thank you

Pansy: I

Pansy: I am lesbian.

Read 5:15 PM

Hermione's PoV

I had just walked into the kitchenette and I was sipping from a glass of water  while I waited for Pansy's next text. I felt the buzz in my pocket and pulled it out. All it said was 'I' , and I went to put it back in my pocket when it buzzed again. almost simultaneously, I dropped my glass and spat my water out of my nose. By the time all the water in my mouth was gone, I had time to register the message and I got to cleaning up while I thought.

YES! yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes! This just got so much easier! I can't believe that she's a lesbian! Now I just have to get her to like me and all this will be done and I will have my first girlfriend!

Pansy's PoV

I sat on my bed staring at my phone, pretending not to notice Luna on the other side of the room staring at me not-so-subtly over the top of her magazine. I glared at my phone, not understanding why she hadn't texted me back. Wasn't it a good thing if I was Lesbian? I was very confused, and a few stray tears rolled down my face. I was so disappointed that the first person i openly came out to (Luna didn't count, she just figured it out) was shunning me. As much as I would never admit it, I really enjoyed the playful banter I had with 'Anonymous'. i lay down in bed, ignoring Luna's questions, and pulled the silver doona over my head.

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