The Closet

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 A/N I do not own any of the stuff used in this fanfiction from characters to fan art, the only thing I think I own is the plot. Please don't sue me.

I slumped on the couch and thought about my thoughts. Which doesn't really make sense, but I felt like I needed to do it. Surprisingly, even after the emotional rollercoaster of the past few days, heck, the past few hours, I felt completely fine. In fact, I felt better than I had ever felt before. 

I examined my emotions. I didn't feel happy exactly, more content, and free. And, with my own space now, I could do whatever I liked for four days!

I stepped down one of the side corridors that seemed to go on endlessly, and said, "Accio, squash court!"

A door opened up beside me, and I stepped in to find a state of the art squash court. I began by playing against a robot, but when it hit me in the head one too many times, I cursed it. And so, I began mastering the art of playing squash with oneself. It was very enjoyable, learning an entirely new kill, and by the time I looked up from my study- er, game, it was almost nine o'clock.


The next four days continued much like this, with me mastering the skills of ten-tier cake decoration, wedding dress sewing and LEGO master-building.

Suddenly it was eight o'clock on the last day of the school holidays. I sat up in bed, stretched, and turned off my muggle alarm clock. My trunk was sitting, neatly packed beside me, with my travelling bag and clothes for the day stacked carefully on top. I was so organized, that I could have had to catch the train at eight-thirty and have been fine. I looked around the room, satisfied that I had everything, and sent a Patronus to Harry and Ginny asking if I could come out. 

When a Stag came racing in, pronouncing a dramatic 'yes', I gathered my trunk and backpack and left the closet, leaving it transfigured so that I could go back in the holidays during the year.

"Huzzah! The hermit has finally come out of the closet!" Ginny cried cheerfully. Harry started choking on his glass of water, coughing and spluttering, and after a few seconds, I started laughing too.  I only just realised how weird it was. I had been living in a closet for four days and had only just 'come out' per se. 

"Not - a - word- of this - to any-one- H-harry!" I gasped, thoroughly out of breath. Ginny was still standing off to the side, extremely confused. The look on her face just set Harry and me off again. 

A/N  short chapter, I know, but meh.

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