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Pansy: Tomorrow at breakfast, I want you to eat a green apple.

Anonymous: Okay then, sweetie.

Anonymous: Don't forget to tie  your hair up for Potions. Snape said we're making Amortentia instead of just sniffing it today.

Pansy: Wait, you're in my potions class?

Pansy: And you told me this?

Pansy: Wow

Pansy: You're losing your touch

Anonymous: I was bored of waiting for you to figure out who I am so i gave you a big hint to work with.


Hermione's PoV

I called the D.A. together, or what was left of it, for an emergency meeting. I began to start talking when I realised that there was, once again, a nub of fleshy string under the door. I sent a destructive charm at it, walked over, slipped my wand under the door and sent a hex at the certain someone listening at the door.

"Try cheating on someone now!" I yelled through the door. Ginny, ever the loyal best friend, also slipped her wand under the door, murmuring a Bat Bogey Hex before wandering back to the group, smirking devilishly. I soundproofed our kitchen/living area, apologising for the wait, and began to talk.

"I'm sorry for calling you here on such short notice, but I need your help. all of you are aware of my sexuality, and most of you are aware of my Message Chat with Billy"

"Who's Billy?" Dean asked.

"Oh, sorry, Billy is my name for the person I have a crush on, so that if they or someone else whom  I'd prefer not to know certain details about me hears us talking, they don't know about my sexuality or who I have a crush on, because I checked and there is no one at this school called Billy, it fell out of wizarding fashion thirty years before any of us were born," I paused for breath before continuing, " and the thing is, I need your help. Billy asked me to eat a green apple at breakfast tomorrow, and a week or so ago I told Billy that if she asked me to do something as a hint I would do it. But the thing is, green apples are the least popular breakfast food, and she will know it is me instantly. So I need you to eat a green apple at breakfast tomorrow."

"Sorry, 'Mione, I can't. Green apples give me hives," Seamus said sadly.

"That's okay, I just need a few people from our Potion's class to do it so she doesn't know it's me. Also, since I feel bad about asking all these favours, I made these" I pulled out a handful of brightly coloured coupons, with the label 'Granger Favour' and the subtitle, 'entitles the holder to one favour from Hermione Granger', "these mean I have to do something for you, within reason. I will not break rules or do your homework, or do anything that might endanger my or someone else's life, but I will say, proofread your homework, or spend an hour doing charms practice with you," I handed them out and people thanked me, before hurrying off to do their homework.


Pansy: Don't forget about the green apple today, honey.

Anonymous: honey?

Pansy: Honey

Anonymous: Okay then, honey it is, sweetie.

Pansy ;)

Anonymous : smh

Pansy: What is smh?

Anonymous : idk, I just asked my friend how to shake your head over text and they said to write smh.

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