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"Nora, get off me!"

"Okay everyone, let's just calm down."

"Calm? How can you expect us to be calm?!"

"Panicking never solves anything, Weiss."

"Of course I'm panicking! Where even are we right now?!"

"This is all your fault, Yang!"

"What?! How?!"

"You're the one who broke that strange dust my sister entrusted me with!"

"Wait, where's Jaune?"

"Oh my gods, we must've been separated during the explosion!"

"We need to go out and find him!"

"Pyrrha, we can't! We don't even know where WE are right now!"

"Pardon me." At the sound of an unfamiliar voice, Team RWBY and the remnants of Team JNPR whirled around, reaching for their weapons, only to realize they didn't have them. Still, they glared at this potential threat, only to find themselves staring at a man maybe three or four years older than them, with messy brown hair, bags under his tired eyes, and clad in nothing but an undershirt and a pair of boxers. He held a baseball bat in his hands, though he looked more confused than hostile. "I don't mean to interrupt this collective confusion convention, but how did you get in my house?"


"So let me get this straight," Ruby stated, sitting with Team RWBY and Team _NPR, on their host's wrap-around couch. After he had gotten over his initial shock, he had introduced himself as Abe, and led them out of his basement and into his upstairs living room. While they made themselves comfortable, he had disappeared back into his room, reappearing in a fuzzy pink bathrobe. When questioned about that, he explained it was clean, it was his wife's, and that who were they to judge, they broke into his house. He he proceeded to drop a revelation on them that rocked them to the core. "In your world, we're just fictional characters for an animated internet-series?"

"To make a long story short? Yes." Abe nodded, then watched as all of them visibly deflated in shock and confusion. "Yeah, I figured you wouldn't take this very well," he sighed. "Would it help you relax if I got you something to drink?"

"How are you so calm about this?!" Weiss demanded.

"Yeah, a group of people just materialized in the middle of your house, and you haven't even batted an eye!" Yang added. Abe shrugged.

"My wife was created from a combination of human error and a twitchy 3D printer. This story you tell, about Yang over there breaking some kind off queer purple dust from your reality that opened a wormhole to mine is about as believable as my backstory, and yet, here we are." Abe laughed as he thought about it. "To be honest, this feels like one of those reaction stories written about you, where you're all teleported to a realm between realities by some cosmic entity, and forced to watch the multiverse centered around old Vomit Bot." He gestured to the seven of them. "You're even missing Jaune Arc, which is a common trope in those stories!"

"Wait, so in your world, there are several stories about us watching different versions of our Fearless Leader do stuff?" Nora asked. She grinned. "That sounds AWESOME!"

"Is he still physically lacking in those stories?" Blake deadpanned. Abe shook his head.

"Nope! Most stories written about him make him much stronger than he is in your world. In fact..." Abe's voice trailed off, and he looked a lot more sheepish. "I've actually been working on one myself." Immediately, Pyrrha was practically on top of him.

"You have a story about Jaune?" she demanded. "What's it about? Is he tall and handsome? Oh! Am I in it?" Abe cringed. He knew fully well what happened to the people in front of him, and judging from their appearances, Volume 3 hadn't rolled around yet, which his story came after in the timeline. He considered telling them, but he also had seen too many alternate reality movies to know that messing with the space-time continuum of his or anyone else's reality was generally frowned upon. He didn't want to wake up the next morning to find out he'd been shot in the back of the head the day before yesterday.

"Uh, yes actually, but not in the way you think," he said to her instead.

"What do you mean?" Ren asked.

"Well, you see... actually I'll just show you." Abe disappeared back into his room. In his hands he held a couple of DVD cases in one hand, and a coin in the other. "I'll flip to decide which to show you first," he decided. "Heads I do 1, tails I do 3." Abe flipped the coin...

And it landed on tails.

"Three it is!" Abe announced. "It's technically the first entry in the series anyway."

"Oh, so you made it like a TV show?" Ruby asked.


"And you're going to let us watch it?" This question came from Blake.

"Yes. I mean, you're stuck in my reality until further notice, so I may as well make you comfortable." Abe went to place the disk in his DVD player. "Oh, and before I forget, Warning: this footage contains scenes of explicit violence and gore." At this ominous preface, Abe's voice had become much deeper, and a lot more gravelly as well. Almost as though he wasn't the one talking. Team RWBY and Team _NPR were caught off-guard.

"What was that?!" Weiss practically shrieked.

"What? Did you say something?" Abe asked, his voice back to normal. When nobody responded, he shook his head. "Cool! Let's begin." He placed in the disk into his DVD player, and together, he, Team RWBY, and Team _NPR settled in to watch Grimm May Cry 3: Jaune's Awakening.

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