Mission 23: Pyrrha's Guide

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As the lights dimmed once more, the audience became confused.

"Wait, the show is still going?" Yang asked in confusion.

"That can't be right," Weiss shook her head. "Jaune has already defeated Mundus!"

"Well, I guess he still has to escape from the Grimm World," Blake pointed out.

"Yeah," Ruby nodded, as everyone sat back down in their seats. "It would be kind of weird to end it with Jaune standing in the middle of an empty throne room."

The episode began with Jaune standing over the body of Trish, his head bowed in mourning. Suddenly, the entire room began to rumble, as large cracks appeared on the walls, and large pieces of debris fell from the ceiling. This caused the Huntsman to raise his head in surprise and confusion.

"Wait, what's going on?!" Jaune demanded, looking wildly around the room. "An earthquake? No, that can't be right!" A large piece of marble rock smashed into the ground behind. "Damn!" he yelped, leaping away. "Did killing Mundus trigger some kind of chain reaction?!" The Huntsman's eyes widened as the implications of that possibility began to sink in. "I've got to get out of here, before this entire place comes crashing down!" he stated, running away as fast as he could, despite his injuries.

"Man, even when he's dead, Mundus is still causing trouble!" Nora grumbled.

"I guess the death of the Grimm World's King causes their dimension to grow unstable," Ren grimaced.

"Get out of there, Jaune!" Pyrrha called to the screen.

Jaune headed for the large doors leading out of the throne room, blood leaking from his wounds, which had not begun to heal yet. As he began to head through the colossal doorway, his head turned briefly to look at the body lying behind him.

"Trish," the Huntsman murmured sadly.

"Poor Jaune," Velvet sniffled. Coco put a hand on her shoulder.

"I know, Bun. All of us feel bad for him."

Making his way out of the throne room, Jaune found himself back in the room with giant heart. Seeing the stone doorway out to his left, he took a running leap from the platform he was standing on, groaning as he tumbled to the ground in front of it. Then he stood, and entered into the central chamber of the living cave. The white patch of flesh stood before him, so the Huntsman began to make his way over to it. But suddenly, a fierce growl met his ears. Jaune turned around to see an Ice Ursa standing on its hind legs behind him, frost billowing from its fanged muzzle.

"What?! Are you telling me that Jaune has to fight his way out of this place?!" Emerald demanded.

"That's preposterous!" Cinder stated angrily. "Mundus is dead, so none of his henchmen have to follow his orders anymore. Plus, if they stall Jaune, they'll be killed when the Grimm World collapses as well!"

"Something tells me they don't care," Mercury cringed.

"Oh, give me a break!" Jaune groaned, as the Ice Ursa rushed towards him. The Dust-infused Grimm leapt into the air, slamming its paws into the ground and causing a large ring of ice spikes to burst up and around it. Diving away from this, the Huntsman rolled to his feet, Ifrit blazing to life, then lunged forward, driving both of his fiery fists into the Ice Ursa's head. There was a sickening crack as the Grimm's mask was destroyed, shoving shards of bone deep into its head. With a groan, the Ice Ursa collapsed, allowing Jaune to move along unhindered.

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