M-15: Flying Solo

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The audience settled back into their seats, waiting in eager anticipation as Abe placed the next reel of film into the projector. The lights dimmed, and they new the further adventures of Adam were about to continue.

The episode began with Adam driving down the streets of Mantle, his black car a dark blotch amidst the more colorful vehicles owned by the city's civilians. The bull Faunus had abandoned his Vacuan garb, allowing his horns to be on full display. Blade Wolf sat in the seat behind him, perched upright, as though expecting trouble at a moment's notice. The radio inside the car was on, and turned to the news station, which Adam appeared to be at least partially listening to.

"...President Ironwood is on his way to the deserts of Sanus this morning for his scheduled visit with Vacuan King Jax Asturias. The meeting is viewed as an attempt by the Kingdom to strengthen relations amidst a surge of anti-Atlasian sentiment in the region," the voice of a female newscaster reported. "In other news, Argus authorities remain baffled by rumors of a guitar-playing Vacuan serial killer prowling their streets, which locals have taken to calling, 'the Sombrero-wearing Slasher.' We now go live, to-" the bull Faunus switched off his car's radio, letting out a groan.

"Are they- talking about Adam?" Ruby asked, trying her hardest not to laugh.

"I don't imagine anyone else would've been wearing Vacuan garb in Argus," Weiss pointed out.

"Vacuo's gone back to a monarchist government?" Ironwood hummed. "That does not bode well..."

As Adam continued to drive, his intercom chimed. The bull Faunus lifted a hand to his ear, switching on the transmission brother.

"Hey, Mr. Ninja, can you hear me?" a familiar voice asked.

"George," Adam greeted calmly. "This is a surprise. How are you feeling?"

"Never better!" the raccoon Faunus grinned. "I've finally got a roof over my head, and more food than I ever dreamed about eating! Waking up in a bed is still strange getting used to, though."

"I bet it beats the sidewalk," the bull Faunus chuckled quietly.

"Aww!" Kali cooed happily. "I'm so happy that little boy finally has a home to call his own!"

"Well, probably not an actual home," Ghira clarified. "I don't think George would be able to talk to Adam otherwise."

There was a moment silence between the two Faunus. Finally, George spoke up again.

"So... I heard that you're going to face off against the creeps who kidnapped me at their main base," he admitted slowly. "I'm kind of envious, to be honest." The raccoon Faunus's voice was now thick with hatred. "I'd love to pay them back for all the needles they stuck into my body!"

"Damn it, Pietro," Adam grumbled in frustration, before raising his voice to address the raccoon Faunus. "Sorry kid, you'd just get in the way." There was a sigh on the other end of the intercom.

"I know... but still," George grumbled.

"Besides," the bull Faunus continued. "I'm going to be doing far worse than sticking needles in these people. Something tells me you don't really want to see this stuff."

"Heh. Well, you got me there. Hey, promise me you'll tell me how it all turns out when you're done?" There was another pause, as Adam thought it all over.

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