Mission 1: One Crazy Party

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As the children from Remnant got comfortable, Abe grabbed the remote control for his DVD player. The title screen, which was solid black save for the title "Grimm May Cry 3: Jaune's Awakening" with the options 'Play All' or 'Episode Select' appeared on his large TV. Abe chose episode select, which brought up the first four episodes. Abe selected Episode 1: A Crazy Party, and pushed play. The screen faded to dark.

"Hey, quick question for you, Abe," Yang states, causing Abe to pause the show. "Why did you put the third one in first? Shouldn't you start at the beginning?"

"Fair point," Abe nodded. "But in truth, this story actually takes place before Grimm May Cry 1."

"Oh, so it's a prequel sequel!" Nora said.

"Right. Now, let's start this thing, shall we?" Abe hit the play button.

For a couple moments, the screen was dark and quiet. Then, a voice spoke from the darkness.

"Have you heard the stories? The stories of the legendary heroes?" Ruby's voice, albeit sounding a little older, came out of the darkness.

"Is that... me?" Ruby whispered.

"Sounds like it," Weiss confirmed.

"When I was younger, my mother and father told me many legends. Tales of evil monsters, beautiful maidens, and noble swordsmen. I loved those stories so much, I wanted to be a hero myself."

Team RWBY smiled. It may be deemed childish, but it's an admirable trait to want to protect and serve the innocent.

"But then came the Fall of Beacon."

And just like that, the happy mood was killed.

"The WHAT?!" Nora demanded. The movie paused again.

"The Fall of Beacon," Abe clarified. "During the Vytal Festival, a group of conspirators and White Fang extremists produced enough negativity to cause a massive hoard of Grimm to invade the city of Vale. Despite you and your friends' best efforts, Beacon was destroyed and Headmaster Ozpin, along with several students, were killed during the fighting." Everyone looked shocked and disgusted. Then Pyrrha spoke.

"I will be among the dead, won't I?" she asked. Abe looked at her. From her phrasing the the students' expressions, he knew that they figured that he was basing this story in the future, meaning that the events described were likely to happen in their own world. With a heavy heart, Abe nodded.

"I'm afraid you will be. And you are dead in my story as well, albeit you die differently in mine."

"Tell me, do I die on my feet?" At this, Abe smiled sadly.

"In this reality, you die in Jaune's arms, having fought side-by-side with him, until your last breath." Team RWBY looked aghast. Pyrrha, however, smiled and nodded, relaxing her body.

"Then I suppose that's all I can ask for," she smiled. She nodded for Abe to continue. Abe played the video again.

"I lost a lot of friends in that battle," Ruby's voice said sadly. "I admit, I gave up on my dream. I didn't believe heroes could exist, for how could anyone hope to save the entire world?"

Ruby looked despondent. She knew her dream was unrealistic in her heart, but it was a whole lot sadder listening to herself fall into despair. Yang put a hand on her sister's shoulder.

"There, there, sis," she comforted Ruby. "This is about Jaune, remember. I bet you, he'll be the hero you were searching for." As if on cue, the Ruby on the DVD spoke again.

"But life has a way of accomplishing the impossible. Heroes can and do exist in Remnant. How do I know this? Well..." Suddenly, the scene changed. The television now displayed a stormy sky, gallons of rain pouring out of the clouds. The top of a tall tower was seen, in the center of which were two humanoid figures, currently locked in a sword-fight. "I met a hero, face-to-face."

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