Bonus Mission 5

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"We couldn't really make robotic Grimm in our world, right?" Ruby asked, hoping one of the adults in the room could reassure her newfound fear. But to her dismay, she watched as Headmaster Ozpin, Ms. Goodwitch, Qrow, and Ironwood all shifted uncomfortably.

"Actually, it is completely possible," the General of the Atlasian Army admitted. "People have modified Grimm to become more powerful before. Granted, they were all criminally insane, but still, it can be done."

"Although, it takes a lot of time and money to be able to modify Grimm," Qrow pointed out. "You'd have to be a millionaire in order to build up an army like the one in the TV show, and honestly, who in their right mind would even want to bolster their ranks with mindless killing machines?"

Meanwhile, back on Remnant...

"So, it is agreed then, Mr. Dark, that for every Grimm you bring to me alive, I will pay you with a vial of Dust?" Jacques Schnee, head of the Schnee Dust Corporation, asked the man before him.

"You've got yourself a deal, Mr. Schnee," the man grinned. He was an older man, a Huntsman, apparently, who wore a black trench coat and fedora. "Although I still wonder what you even want those hideous beasts for anyway."

"That's none of your concern," Jacques waved a hand. "Besides, I have the feeling you have a... less than savory plan for all the Dust you're hoping to amass. We'll just shake on it, and no questions will be asked on either end of this little business arrangement."

"Fair enough." The man extended an arm, and they shook on it. "Pleasure doing business with you."

"The pleasure is all mine," Mr. Schnee smiled, watching as the man left his office. The second he was gone, however, Jacques laughed coldly. "Fool! I know how much those Huntsman need Dust to combat Grimm. He'll burn through ten times more than what I supply him with just to capture one Grimm. What a sucker!"


As soon as he was sure the coast was clear, the man summoned a portal of pure darkness, and stepped through. He emerged in the middle of a throne room, where a group of snarling, raving Beowolfs, flanking a patient and collected Alpha, sat waiting for him.

"So, how did it go?" the Alpha Beowolf asked, a humorous sneer on his face. The man chuckled coldly as he was enveloped in a flash of bright light. When it subsided, Mundus stood in his place, towering over the Wolf Grimm.

"Jacques Schnee is a fool," the King of Grimm scoffed. "He may think he has the upper hand in this arrangement, but he'll have to send his company into overhaul. He'll need at least a dozen new mines for all of the henchmen I have prepared for Dust infusion. Play God all you want, Schnee, your robotic Grimm cannot possibly compare to fire-breathing Beowolfs, Creeps that move as fast as lighting, literally, and Ursa that can hurl shards of ice straight from their claws. What a sucker!"

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