M-18: Hostile Receptions

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"I can't wait to see what happens next!" Ruby squealed, bouncing up and down in her seat as Abe set up the next episode.

"Indeed, now that Adam has access to his Grimm form again, he's only gotten stronger," Weiss nodded.

"Yeah! Adam can take on an entire army in that form!" Yang grinned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm not so sure about that," Blake murmured, as the lights began to dim. "Although, I suppose that's what he has been doing so far..."

The episode began with Adam entering the ground floor lobby of the Atlas Titans headquarters, walking past a pair of potted plants and a couple of coffee tables surrounded by cushioned chairs and sofas. As he made his way further into the room, spying a wraparound staircase leading up to hallway of elevators, a voice came over the building's intercom.

"Huh. You killed Ferris Rust. I'm impressed," the harsh voice of Crimson Stain crooned. "The brains are in the server room, undergoing training. Knock yourself out. Go nuts~"

"Did he seriously just give Adam permission to destroy the Atlas Titans headquarters?" Ren demanded.

"Let's not forget, that Wolf Faunus seems to live for bloodshed," Pyrrha pointed out.

"Yeah, you saw how he smiled when he killed Mr. Matthews!" Nora seethed, before pointing at the screen. "You heard him, Adam! Kick his ass into next week and chop that building down like a tree!"

"I'm sure I'll do my best to do just that," Adam smiled, chuckling at Nora's antics.

Adam made his way up to the front desk, where the hologram of a pretty female receptionist materialized to greet him.

"I'm sorry, sir, our business hours for the day have ended," she informed the bull Faunus in a monotonous voice. "We look forward to your next visit." Annoyed, Adam brought back a fist, then thrusted it forward, through the hologram's head. "I think you said 'agent', is that correct?" the receptionist asked, before disappearing. Immediately, a group of Atlas Titans soldiers came charging down the staircase.

"Those guys don't know when to quit, do they?" Sienna's voice scoffed.

"Yeah, you'd think they'd figure out by this point fighting Adam is akin to jumping off the roof of a skyscraper," Qrow pointed out.

"Eh, testosterone clouds judgement," Tai shrugged.

Adam waited patiently for the soldiers to charge down the stairs, and rush towards him. Then, as one of his assailants leaped into the air with a sword raised overhead, the bull Faunus suddenly burst past the man, Wilt unsheathed and outstretched. Adam jammed his sword back into its scabbard, and with a spray of blood, the soldier's torso tore open, before he collapsed to the lobby's floor. Two more Titans personnel charged towards the bull Faunus, only to watch as their quarry reached up to tap a button on his intercom. Instantly, eight hard light swords were whirling around him, quickly ripping across the soldier's bodies, before tossing them away as they blasted forward on all sides of Adam.

"Last episode, he was like a rabid animal, and now, he's back to the stoic samurai persona," Mercury commented.

"Talk about opposite ends of the spectrum," Emerald nodded.

A fourth soldier rushed forward, stabbing his sword towards Adam's chest, but the attack was quickly knocked aside by the bull Faunus's scabbard. Adam spun into a slash, unsheathing Wilt as he did so, causing his assailant to fall way from him a moment later, a gaping cut across his neck. A fifth soldier, sporting an axe, charged at the bull Faunus from behind, swinging his large weapon down upon his quarry's head. Adam, noticing the soldier's shadow looming over him, spun out of the way of the attack, then followed up with a pair of upward cuts that sliced the axe in half by the handle, and tore open the soldier's waist. As his assailant doubled over, the bull Faunus deployed Thorns, and slammed one of his spiked gauntlets into the back of the man's head, driving him face first into the ground with a sickening crunch.

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