Bonus Mission 6

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Bonus Mission 6

"So, Abe, when can we see what happened after the incident in Argus?" Ruby asked excitedly.

"Soon," their host assured her. "But to be honest, I'm having a little trouble finding the next film reel. I'm looking as hard as I can, of course, but it'll take a while."

"We could help you look, if you'd like," Pyrrha suggested.

"No, that's alright. I've actually got something for you guys to watch in the meantime. I've wanted to show it for a while, now, but didn't really have an ideal chance." This intrigued the audience to no end.

"What is it about?" Yang asked curiously, as Abe headed back into the projector booth.

"It's sort of like a glimpse into the future," he admitted. "Like you'd get to see what happened in this world after the events in the show."

"That... sounds... AWESOME!" Nora cheered. "We'll get to see the future?!"

"Essentially," Abe nodded. "There shouldn't be any spoilers in this. What do you say?"

"I think we're all in agreement for watching," Ozpin commented drily, as everyone else murmured their agreements.

"Fair enough." The lights dimmed, and the audience settled in to watch a glimpse into the future.

The episode began with an old man laying on the wooden floor of a small house. Behind him, a timid mother and her two young children, a boy and a girl, cowered against a wall, looks of fear evident on their faces. The man was laying in a small puddle of blood, and his face was contorted in agony. His right hand was tightly clutched around his left shoulder, where a festering wound was slowly seeping more of the viscous red fluid.

"That poor man!" Penny cried, a look of pity on her face.

"What happened to him?" Weiss demanded.

As the man continued to writhe in pain, the sound of footsteps approached. Two combat boots came into view, as well as a familiar pair of blue jeans.

"Oh thank the gods," Velvet sighed in relief.

"Looks like Vomit Boy's here to save the day," Coco grinned.

As the person continued to move forward, a tattered scarlet cloak was seen draping down their back. The elderly man managed to lift his head, spying the lower half of a white breastplate, decorated with an emblem of a red rose with two golden arcs situated in the flower's center.

"Forget about me," the old man wheezed. "Save the others..."

"No," a feminine voice stated determinedly. "I won't let anybody else die." The figure knelt down, revealing the face of a beautiful young woman with long, flowing blonde hair, and deep grayish-blue eyes.

And just like that, the audience was captivated.

"Th-that's not J-Jaune," Ruby stuttered, her heart pounding heavily in her chest.

"She's beautiful..." Qrow whispered.

"Oh my gods, am I going to be an auntie?!" Yang squealed, covering her mouth as she rocked in her seat.

The blonde-haired woman placed her hands over the man's wound, concentrating on transferring her Aura into gaping tear. Immediately, the wound began to slowly close. At that moment, however, the sound of guns clicking could be heard.

"Get down!" the woman cried. Screaming, the mother wrapped her arms around her children and dropped, throwing all three of them to the ground. The girl quickly laid down next to the old man, before a series of bullet holes tore apart the walls.

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