Mission 10: Canyon of Mist

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For a solid minute, the theater was entirely silent. Then, Adam quickly sprung into action.

"Stay back!" he hissed, drawing Wilt and brandishing the sword in front of him. "If I'm going to die in this place, then I'm taking as many of you freaks as I can down with me! Come on, you want a piece of me?!"

"Adam, how did you get here?" Blake demanded, surprised to see her former mentor after so long.

"Oh, so you care about my well being now, Blake?" the horned Faunus growled. "You think I'd ever speak to you again after you left me for some filthy humans, like the Schnee?" Blake withered under Adam's glare, which burned like fire beneath his mask.

"Well, I just-"

"Fine, I'll tell you," Adam sighed. "Some rookie members of the White Fang accidentally dropped this new type of Dust we stole from an Atlesian airbase. It tore open a rift through space and time, and then I got pulled into it. Now I'm stuck in this strange movie theater with you, the Schnee, and all the rest of the people you used to replace me and the family you had before them. Well, most of them anyway," he corrected himself, noticing Ghira and Kali. "Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Belladonna."

"Hello, Adam dear," Kali called, though her face looked cautious. "You've grown since last we've met." Adam shuffled on his feet, before his eyes landed on Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald, who began sweating up a storm. They knew fully well that he still hated them for what they had done to his men a few months ago, and if he decided to rat them out to Ozpin, there would be nothing they could do to escape the  teams of Huntsmen sent after them. But instead, Adam sheathed his sword, then folded his arms across his chest.

"Would somebody please explain where I even am alright now?" he demanded.

"I can!" Nora announced excitedly.


"...and then you were like 'Stay in the light, Jaune,' and Jaune was like 'I won't let him die here!' and then Fearless Leader used the Relic of Choice to wish you to safety and then he went home, married Ruby, and started a business!" Nora finished regaling the exploits of Jaune Arc to Adam, who had detached Blush from his hip so he could lean on it at around the fifteen minute mark. Adam turned around, then removed his mask to rub his eyes, before placing his mask back on so he could turn back around to address the audience.

"So, this Jaune Arc, he's the descendant of a Grimm that saved the world, and owns his own office where he's hired to kill Grimm?"

"That's right!" Ruby nodded, smiling. "Right now, he's on some island trying to stop the Grimm from releasing their king."

"I see," Adam grunted. "And you said I'm in this universe, too?"

"You are," Ghira nodded. "You're also a descendant of Ozma, apparently." Gathering her courage, Weiss left her seat, and approached the masked Faunus.

"W-we saw what... was u-under that mask," she stuttered, terrified of saying something to set Adam off. "Is- is true that... y-you have a..." her voice trailed off, taking a step back in fear as he turned to look at her. For a moment, the Faunus regraded Weiss with an expression that froze her to her core. Then, with a sigh, Adam's gloved hands made their way up to his mask.

"See for yourself." Adam removed his mask, and Weiss felt her heart shatter. One healthy blue eye, and one milky bloodshot eye, trapped within the letters "SDC" that had been charred upon his face, looked back at her. The heiress immediately fell on her hands and knees before the Faunus.

"I-I'm sorry!" she cried, tears falling from her eyes as she sucked in a ragged breath. "I'm so, so sorry!" Adam looked down at her in confusion for a couple seconds. Then he affixed his mask back onto his head.

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