M-05: We're In This Together

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M-05: We're In This Together

"Well, last we led off, Mr. Matthews was murdered and Adam Taurus got torn apart by that bear Faunus," Yang muttered, as the audience attempted to recover from the horrific events they had just witnessed.

"Ugh! Don't remind me!" Ruby whined, her cheeks puffed up as she folded her arms, pouting in her seat.

"You realize that we just watched that maybe ten minutes ago, right?" Weiss shook her head, as the lights began to dim. "Hopefully, there won't be as much bloodshed in this episode."

The episode began with Adam sitting on a hospital cot, as a blonde haired nurse put his left arm in a sling. A white medical eye patch covered the bull Faunus's brand, but the edges of his rectangular burn could still be seen. Adam grunted as the nurse adjusted his arm.

"There we are," she announced. "Your Aura has already mostly healed your torn tendons, so you won't have to worry about any infections or permanent muscle damage. Still, you should keep that arm in this sling until about this same time tomorrow, to give it ample time to fully recover."

"I understand," the bull Faunus nodded, standing back up onto his feet. "Thank you, ma'am." There was a knock on the door. The nurse opened it to reveal Sienna Khan, her tattooed arms crossed, and her tiger ears flat atop her head.

"So, you're still in one piece, I see," she commented.

"Thank the gods for that," Blake murmured. When she noticed her team smiling knowingly at her, she shrugged. "Hey, I may not agree with Adam's methods, but that doesn't mean I want to see him get mutilated."

"How are the others?" Adam asked Sienna. The tiger Faunus looked away, a sigh escaping her lips.

"Not well," she confessed.

The scene changed to show Fennec Albain lying in a hospital cot, his body wrapped in gauze, and an oxygen mask covering the lower half of his face. His brother Corsac sat on a metal chair next to him, his right leg confined in a cast, and a brace locked around his neck. The fox Faunus's tail flopped anxiously on the ground, as he watched over his bedridden, unconscious brother.

"Fennec has suffered third degree burns from the explosion he was caught in, and one of his ribs punctured his lung," Sienna's voice narrated over the scene. "Corsac's holding up alright, despite his injuries, but he's overwhelmed with worry for his twin brother."

"Oh yeah," Nora grimaced. "I forgot that wolf guy did a number on those two."

"They're lucky they got out alive," Ren stated. "Something tells me that wolf Faunus takes pleasure in spilling blood."

"This is a nightmare," Sienna admitted, biting her lower lip. Her arms unfolded from across her chest, and dropped to her sides, as she clenched her fists. "By failing to protect Cedar Matthews, the majority of Mistralian citizens believes that the White Fang is an incompetent group of thugs and mercenaries. Add on the fact that a Faunus was responsible for the councilman's murder, so now we've got a conspiracy circulating about us planning to kill Matthews ourselves, and acting as his bodyguards was just one big elaborate ruse to keep the animosity between the humans and Faunus alive."

"Idiots," Adam whispered, shaking his head. "We all know who the real culprits are." He looked at the tiger Faunus carefully. "Coincidentally, has Atlas released any statements explaining why a battalion of their own men launched an attack on Mistral unprovoked?"

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