Mission 19: Forces Collide

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"I'm worried about Mr. Arc," Ozpin admitted. "Now that Watts has obtained the Relic of Choice, it will grant any wish he so desires."

"That could prove challenging," Coco cringed.

"I'm honestly not sure Jaune will make it out alive," Cinder admitted. Everyone turned to look at her.

"How can you say that?!" Pyrrha demanded. Cinder shrugged.

"Watts isn't going to be a pushover. I'm just suggesting that Jaune might only stop him at the cost of his own life."

"A pyrrhic victory," Ms. Goodwitch gasped in realization. "It would make sense for this story to end that way, unfortunately." Ruby turned to Abe with wide eyes.

"Is Jaune going to die?" she asked their host quietly. Abe closed his eyes for a moment, morphing his face an emotionless mask, before giving the Red Reaper a small smile.

"You'll just have to watch and find out." With that, Abe selected the next episode, entitled "Forces Collide," and pushed play.

The episode began back in the library room, where Glynda and Ruby were resting. Judging from their heavy breaths, and the sweat that stained their clothes, it was evident they had been through another fight. As the two rested against an empty bookshelf, footsteps echoed throughout the room.

"Oh, great, the two of them are exhausted, and now they have to fight again?" Yang groaned.

The footsteps became louder, and then a pair of boots appeared on the screen, as whoever entered the library passed by. Ruby and Glynda watched, shock and confusion written on their tired faces. The interloper paid them no heed, instead heading through the doorway Jaune had departed previously and leaving them alone.

"That's strange," Weiss frowned. "I would've thought a Fallen would have leapt at the opportunity to attack them while they were tired."

"That didn't look like the clothes the Fallen were wearing," Qrow grunted. "The shoes were different. None of the Fallen's boots had red soles."

"But then, who else could it be?" Tai wondered. Meanwhile, Blake finally exhaled, her breath having hitched in her throat. Her amber eyes were wide, though she didn't know exactly what she was feeling at the moment.

"No..." she whispered. "It couldn't be him, could it?"

The scene changed to show Jaune Arc making his way into a large, circular section of the demiplane of Ozma, the marble floor now made of obsidian. The white void surrounding him was now a morbid grey, and ominous, thick smoke churned overhead. Viscous, purple liquid pooled around the floor, making disgusting squelching noises as Jaune stepped through it. Jaune stopped towards the middle of the large circular platform, observing the stone pillars that surrounded him. His eyes narrowed as a golden light emerged out of the smoke.

"Nora, are you okay?" Ren asked, watching as his partner took a shaky breath.

"I'm worried for our Fearless Leader," she admitted. "I know I said it would take more than a wish to defeat him, but everything we've seen so far has been super ominous."

Watts smirked as he descended out of the sky, his golden eyes alight with pride. His golden aura crackled with power, as he touched down several feet away from Jaune.

"Welcome," Watts greeted. He spread his arms outward, a golden glow surrounding his entire figure as he showcased his body to the Huntsman. "What do you think? How do you feel after taking in the splendor and majesty of your ancestor?" Jaune looked at Watts's crowned head, and smirked.

"It's like staring at a backed up toilet," he retorted.

For a second, the audience was quiet. Then...

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