Mission 6: Evil of the Waterways

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"Well, so far we've watched Fearless Leader get stabbed by his own sword, get stabbed by a talking lightning sword, fight a flaming Death Stalker, and get beaten up by a knight guy," Nora recounted the story thus far.

"And he ran around trying to make a ball glow," Ruby added.

"That too."

"As much fun I'm having watching Jaune do odd jobs," Pyrrha states, "how much longer will we have to wait before the plot actually advances more?"

"Relax," Abe called from the projector's booth. "Every random task that you've seen Jaune fulfill serves to further progress the story. Just be patient, you'll see what happens next soon enough. Speaking of which..." the lights dimmed as the projector turned back on, signaling the beginning of the next episode.

The episode began with Jaune standing on the other side of the door he unlocked last episode. He was in the middle of a large, stone tunnel, dark and quiet, save for the churning of some murky, black water beneath him. The Huntsman's face scrunched up as he took in a breath.

"This must be the sewers," he realized. "I'm so happy to know I risked my life for this."

"That is strange," Ren nodded. "Why would they have such an elaborate lock specifically for the sewer system?"

"Yeah!" Yang nodded. "That doesn't make any sense!"

"Unless..." Everyone turned to look at Blake. "...they hid something in the sewers."

Jaune's hand went down to his pockets, where he pulled out his Scroll. Fumbling with it for a few seconds, he eventually found what he was looking for, and a steady stream of light leapt from the device. The Huntsman chuckled as he clipped his Scroll to his trench coat, right over his heart.

"A flashlight app?" Weiss asked, impressed. "Why didn't I think to get one on mine?"

"Huh, kid's got the smart idea," Qrow grunted. "I should get one of those, myself."

Jaune explored the sewers, slowly making his way around a corner, spying a large grated wall several meters in front of him. He slowly approached, the inky water sloshing and splashing under his feet. As he neared the grate, the Huntsman noticed an indent in the wall to his left. Intrigued, Jaune stepped through the small side passage, and found a door lining the same wall as the grate. He tried opening it, but it was locked.

"We should've seen that coming," Coco deadpanned.

"Tell me about it," Mercury sighed. "Almost every door in this freaking place is locked, jammed, or has some other condition that prevents you from going right on through."

"So where's the key, then?" Velvet wondered. Then she cringed. "You don't think Jaune's going to have to search through all that dirty water, do you?"

"That's gonna suck," Emerald shook her head, knowing from experience.

"There's got to be a key around here somewhere," Jaune reasoned. He exited the indent, and slowly backtracked through the sewers, keeping his eyes glued to the floor, looking for any glint of Metal within in the murky water oozing under his feet. There was none. Sighing, the Huntsman lifted his head in time to spy a side passage off to his right. "That looks promising!" he smiled. Jaune entered the narrow corridor and followed the pathway as it twisted to the left, then the right, then the left again, before coming to solid wall. The Huntsman growled in frustration.

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