Mission 11: Revenge

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The audience grew quiet again as Abe prepared to continue Jaune's story. He highlighted the next episode, entitled "Revenge," and pushed play.

The episode started with Watts coughing up blood, as he continued to writhe on the ground. He attempted to lift his head, but did not have the strength.

"Where am I?" he rasped. "It's dark. I can't see anything."

"You're dying." Ruby knelt down beside him. "Adam Taurus stabbed you."

"Wow. That was blunt," Mercury commented.

"Way to calm a poor soul in his dying moments, Ruby," Blake teased. Ruby's cheeks grew red.

"Sh-Shut up!" She spluttered.

"I know that voice..." Watts eyes blinked in confusion. "What is going on? Have we met before?"

"You kidnapped my mother," Ruby told him, a small glare on her face. "Or have you forgotten?"

"Your... mother?" Suddenly, Watts gasped. "That's right! I did that wicked need!" His voice cracked, and he began to weep softly. "Oh, my poor child, I'm so sorry for what I've done!"

"Wait, what?" Coco did a double take. "He's... sorry?"

"I can honestly say I didn't see that coming," Velvet admitted, her ears twitching in surprise.

"It was all Adam's doing," Watts continued, his tears running down his cheeks to the floor. "He came to me one day, demanding my help in locating Ozma's Tower. He said he'd kill me if I didn't!" Ruby's stern gaze softened. "Kidnapping Ms. Goodwitch was just one of the orders given to me by him. He promised if I complied, I'd walk away with my life." He laughed humorlessly. "As you can see, my trust in him was in vain."

"I guess you could say he was full of bull!" Yang said. The audience groaned.

"Why do you do this to us?" Abe demanded.

Ruby closed her eyes. When she opened them again, any hostility within them was gone.

"I'm sorry," she told the dying man. "You didn't deserve this." She started to stand up, but Watts grabbed her arm.

"Wait," he whispered. "You must stop him. In order to put an end to all of this, you must kill Adam Taurus. If he gets his hands on the Relic of Choice, the entire human race will suffer for it. Please..." his voice was growing quieter, "you have to kill him. Stop... Adam... Tau-rus..." Watts's hand fell limp. Ruby sadly shook her head, as she closed Watts eyes.

"I will," she whispered. "Don't worry, Watts. Mother, I'm coming. I will save you..." Her eyes hardened. "And I will kill the man who caused all this."

"Damn, didn't know you could be so intense, squirt," Qrow grunted. Glynda leaned to Ozpin.

"Do you think Watts is telling the truth?" she asked him.

"Well, I don't," Cinder stated. "Men like him seem to only care about taking others down with him."

"So you think Watts is just trying to get revenge on Adam?" Emerald asked.

"It would fit Watts's personality," Ozpin nodded.

The scene changed to show Jaune walking through another dimly lit hallway. A rusty door awaited him, which he pushed open carefully. On the other side, he found himself on a small balcony overlooking a large chasm. In front of the platform on which he stood was a long monorail leading off the distant yonder, with a large square tile resting atop the track.

"Guess that's my next destination," Jaune said to himself, cautiously stepping off the balcony and onto the monorail platform. As soon as he was situated, the large square tile rumbled, and began to run across the tracks set out for it. Jaune stood in the center of this makeshift vehicle, arms folded in front of him. As his eyes grew accustomed to the dark, he noticed another monorail track above where he was, leading off to a different section of this underground chasm. "Something's going to drop down on me from up there," he grimaced.

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