M-13: Horrific Uncoverings

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"Man, I hope Adam finds that laboratory those Titan jerks are holed up in and bites their faces off!" Ruby growled, causing Yang to flinch in surprise.

"Whoa, Ruby!" the blonde brawler gasped.

"They're murdering kids for their body parts, Yang! That kind of crime is unforgivable!"

"Ruby's right," Weiss nodded, as the lights began to dim. "These people are kidnapping and killing children to harvest their organs. They deserve death." She then looked at her teammate. "Let's try to refrain from turning Adam into a cannibal, however." Ruby scratched the back of her head sheepishly.

"Ha, ha, sorry..."

The episode began with Adam still making his way through the sewers, oddly enough, still wearing his mariachi garb. Currently, the bull Faunus was engaged in a conversation through his intercom with Clover.

"So the kid got into the sewers through a drainage channel?" the Specialist asked curiously.

"Yeah," Adam nodded, rounding a corner to continue his trek through the dark and rancid tunnels beneath the city of Argus. "He says the channel is super tight, but there's some kind of shutter next to it."

"Got it," Clover affirmed. "That must be where they dump their waste."

"There's something else," the bull Faunus added. "It sounds like they had a Titans executive on site yesterday." He tilted his head as an idea came to mind. "If they were in a room with security cameras during the meeting..."

"You should be able to review their video log," Pietro's voice finished Adam's thought for him. "Provided you could find an access terminal, of course. Still, that would give us the evidence we need to incriminate these people, and give us a chance to peek at the level of their technology."

"All right!" Sun grinned. "Looks like Adam's got these creeps in the bag."

"Well, it's more of a start, really," Winter corrected the monkey Faunus. "If the Atlas Titans are anything like the other business corporations from said Kingdom, I'm sure they'll have a squad of skilled lawyers at their disposal to keep them out of legal trouble."

"And that's why part of me wishes I wasn't on the Atlas Council," Ironwood sighed, bracing his chin on his fist.

"So... what did you end up doing with the kid?" Clover asked.

"I made sure the area was secure, and told him to stay put," Adam shrugged. "Can you guys pick him up?"

"Sure," the Specialist smiled. "I'll send a couple of my people to go get him. You just focus on getting into that lab. If what the boy said was true, about the organs..." Clover shuddered in disgust. "We need to hurry."

"Agreed," the bull Faunus grimaced. "Adam out."

"Seriously, though! Who in their right minds would make a business in selling human organs?!" Coco demanded, disturbed by the very thought.

"You realize hospitals do exactly that when they conduct organ transplants, right?" Whitley asked her. "We don't exactly have the technology to replicate human hearts or stomachs, yet. All we can do is replace them with ones donated by the people passing on from this world."

"Still a rather unsettling concept," Velvet shuddered.

As Adam continued his way forward, he was contacted again, this time by Blade Wolf.

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