Mission 4: Black Knight

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Abe fiddled with the projector, preparing to play the next episode. Finally, with a triumphant smirk, he managed to insert the next reel of film.

"There we go!" he nodded. "I think I'm getting this projector business down."

"I wonder what Jaune will have to do after he frees the lion statue," Ruby said thoughtfully, putting a finger to her chin.

"Knowing this castle, the statue be possessed by a Geist, or some such nonsense," Weiss muttered in distaste.

"Well, we're about to find out," Nora pointed. "It's starting again!"

The episode began with Jaune exiting the cathedral. The Huntsman made his way through the corridor, and down the small flight of stairs. When he reached the bottom, he checked his trench coat pocket, where he had stashed the Pride of a Lion.

"Alright, now that I've got you, it's time to finally break the barrier on that statue. Jaune made his way over to the set of double doors, preparing to open them. But just then, the ground began to shake. Hearing thumping noises coming from behind him, Jaune turned around, and gasped. Tyrian was storming down the hallway, pincers snapping and tail poised, ready to strike. The Death Stalker hissed at the Huntsman.

"It's Tyrian!" Pyrrha gasped.

"He's back already?!" Yang demanded. "But I thought Jaune beat him up last episode!"

"It appears Tyrian is more resilient that we first thought," Ren grimaced.

"But Jaune can't effectively fight a Death Stalker in that tight hallway!" Blake realized with a start. "Get out of there!" She shouted at the screen.

"Oh, Hell!" Jaune cursed, turning tail and sprinting away. A fire ball whizzed past his shoulder, smashing into the wall in front of him, showering him with flame and debris. The Huntsman retreated to the end of the hallway, Tyrian hot on his heels. As the Death Stalker charged up another fiery orb, Jaune threw open the door to the study and dived inside, quickly shutting Tyrian out. The room shook as another explosion went off. The Huntsman remained inside the room for a few minutes, before cautiously peaking his head out of the study. The hallway was now a mess, bits of broken rocks from the pillars and scorch marks cluttering the floor, as well as small fires crackling within large craters decorating the walls. Jaune shook his head as he exited the study. "Well, I hate that guy," he sighed.

"Don't worry, Jaune," Coco called to him, her eyes glaring. "We all hate him."

"Indeed," Cinder agreed, meaning it in more than one sense.

Jaune made his way back through the hallway, entering through the double doors to the fountain plaza outside. The Huntsman approached the lion statue, its purple barrier crackling around it, pulling the Pride of Lion out of his pocket.

"Alright, time to see what this is all about." Jaune held the Pride of Lion aloft, watching as the barrier fizzled, then disappeared. As soon as its protection was gone, the lion's eyes lit up, glowing red.

"Well, that's foreboding," Ghira grimaced. Kali nodded her agreement, taking her husband's hand in her own.

"Maybe the statue really is possessed by a Grimm!" Velvet squeaked.

Jaune stared at the statue for a moment. Then, he drew Alastor and slammed the large blade into the lion's face. The statue began to crack and crumble, before the stonework fell away, revealing a large, feline Grimm with large tusks. The beast immediately hissed, then lunged upon the Huntsman.

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