M-09: Deepest Darkness

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"So the last time we left off, Adam destroyed a flying shark robot, and he entered that Dust factory, or whatever it was," Ruby summarized.

"A very accurate summarization, if not very poetic," Penny praised.

"I wonder how challenging Sasayaku will be to defeat," Yang said thoughtfully, putting a hand to her chin.

"I think we'll soon find out," Blake commented, as the lights dimmed. "He didn't appear to be a Huntsman, though..."

The episode began with Adam entering the Dust refinery. He slowly made his way through the open front doors into the well-lit hallway, spotting a third door, closed, on the other end of the walk. As the Faunus proceeded towards the door, suddenly, an intercom turned on over the hallway.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Huntsman," a heavily accented voice echoed throughout the hallway. "I know why you're here, and more importantly, I know what you're after. Proceed if you dare, but know that all who have stood against Kuro Sasayaku before have all been destroyed! Leave now, or suffer eternal consequences!"

"That's quite a bold claim, Sasayaku," Adam commented, looking up at a security camera in the corner of the room. "Why don't you come down here and back that up?" Sasayaku's laughter crackled out of the intercom.

"Do you take me for a fool?" the terrorist sneered. "You've made your way into my domain. Now you play by my rules!"

"Well, so far this punk sounds like a total wuss," Qrow grunted.

"Yeah, anyone who hides behind a factory full of henchmen probably isn't much of a fighter themself," Tai agreed.

"Well then, I guess I'm coming in after you," Adam sighed, shaking his head as he approached the far door.

"As you wish," Sasayaku's voice gloated. "Then please, receive my welcoming committee!" As the Faunus reached out towards the door's handle, it was suddenly thrown open, slamming into him and hurling him to the ground, his Aura flashing. Groaning, Adam looked up in time to see the blade of a large axe rushing towards his face.

"Damn!" Adam swore, rolling to the side. The axe blade smashed into the ground with a clang, narrowly missing his ear. The Faunus leapt up onto his feet, his hand flying to Wilt's grip as the axe's owner, a large, muscular man with a thick breastplate and fiery eyes, pried the heavy weapon out of the floor and lumbered forward with a low growl.

"That's a bigger guy than normal," Emerald commented.

"Bigger isn't always better," Mercury pointed out.

Adam drew his sword and rushed toward the axeman, quickly stabbing Wilt towards the soldier's chest. There was a clang as his aggressor knocked his sword aside with the axe's handle, before spinning into a sideways swing aimed at the Faunus's neck. Adam ducked, grimacing as the large blade scraped against the tip of his horns, throwing sparks into the air. Standing up tall, Adam readied Wilt and lunged into four quick strikes, each blow causing the soldier's Aura to flash. With a roar, the man thrusted the butt of his weapon outward, striking the Faunus in the side of the head. Adam stumbled backwards, his Aura blinking briefly, then watched as the soldier charged him, swinging the axe at his face in an upward arc. It was all he could do to bend his legs backwards, watching as the curved blade tore through the air an inch away from his chin.

"This guy is definitely tougher than the other Titan soldiers Adam's fought so far," Pyrrha cringed, watching the fight nervously.

"Yeah! That axe looks mega dangerous!" Nora cringed.

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