M-02: We Want You Back

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"I never thought I'd see the day Adam Taurus left the White Fang," Kali admitted, as the audience settled back into their seats.

"It's an unexpected development, to be sure," Ghira agreed. "But it is a welcome one, all the same."

"Indeed," Penny nodded, smiling brightly. "It is quite unfortunate, therefore, that Adam will have to abandon his peaceful life in order to go on a heroic adventure." The theater went deathly quiet.

"Where did that come from?" Yang demanded.

"No, she's right," Weiss pointed out. "If this season is anything like the last two, Adam Taurus is going to get roped into battling against some Grimm-obsessed maniac, or worse, Mundus himself." The lights began to dim.

"Guess there's only one way to find out," Ruby murmured.

The episode began with Adam training in the middle of the Mistralian forest he and Cinder called home. Instead of Wilt, however, the bull Faunus swung a wooden rod, carved and whittled into the crude shape of a katana blade. With an intake of breath, Adam suddenly jammed his wooden sword downwards, as though blocking an attack. He followed up with a strike forwards with his weapon's pommel, like he was clubbing someone in the chest. The Faunus quickly spun into a downwards slash, the wind whistling around his practice blade, before ending the attack with a thrust kick. Adam spun his blade once in his hand, then held the sword out in front of his face, finishing his practice battle.

"An impressive display," Ironwood observed. "Whoever taught you must've had some serious dedication to the sword."

"I didn't have the luxury of an instructor," Adam grunted. "I just picked up a sword one day, and created my own style." Winter choked on her iced tea, as everyone who had never known Adam personally turned to look at him in shock.

"Y-you were self taught?!" the elder Schnee sibling spluttered. The bull Faunus nodded.

"I'm sure those private instructors you can hire in Atlas for thousands of Lien can teach you some fancy tricks," he sneered. "But there is no better coach than combat in a battle of life and death."

Adam held his set stance for a few moments, allowing his leg muscles to grow accustomed to their bent position, before standing up tall, his arms falling to relax at his sides. It was then he became aware of clapping coming from behind him. The Faunus turned around, but nobody was there. And then he happened to look down.

Well done, Adam's demonic shadow applauded, placing its dark arms on its hips. But still, you could be much more aggressive than you are right now.

"Not that guy again!" Nora whined, bothered by the being which plagued Adam both night and day.

"Leave me alone," Adam growled, glaring at his shadow with clenched fists.

I couldn't leave you even if I wanted, the shadow sneered, its single yellow eye flashing with amusement. You can never truly escape from the life you left behind, and I will always be here to remind you of your bloody legacy.

"Stop..." Adam whispered, beginning to tremble.

Why are you so ashamed of what you've done? his antagonizer continued. 'Humanity deserves to burn.' You've said so yourself. The shadow's eye grew more intense, beginning to crackle like fire. Don't tell me the cries of the orphans you've created are making you soft.

"SHUT UP!" Adam roared, driving his training sword into his shadow's stomach, causing it to flicker for a few moments.

"I can't say I blame him for that," Tai grimaced.

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