M-16: A Bitter Pill to Swallow

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"Man, I can't wait to see what Adam does next!" Sun grinned, as his tail flicked next to him excitedly.

"If the previous episode is any indication, I theorize Adam will be converging upon the Atlas Titans' headquarters," Penny stated matter-of-factly. "It will be most interesting to see what attempts to stand in his way."

"Shh!" Ruby shushed the audience, as the lights began to dim. "It's starting up again!"

The episode began with Adam emerging from an elevator into a dark train tunnel. The bull Faunus was barely visible as he stepped out of his transport, and onto the cold concrete, grumbling as he shifted his blindfold to expose his good eye.

"This must be the railroad..." he mused.

"Indeed," Blade Wolf's voice crackled from Adam's intercom. "Likely part of Mantle's old system. This city was a major transport hub in the early years of freight trains. This particular line appears to have been abandoned some time ago. It was originally constructed to transport supplies to an underground factory. But now it seems even the electrical system is no longer functioning."

"Yeah, it's pitch black in here," the bull Faunus nodded.

"With your Faunus attributes, I trust this is not a serious concern," the mechanized Grimm stated.

"It won't be," Adam assured him. "Time to get to work." He leaped down onto the abandoned railroad tracks, and began to make his way down the long stretch of tunnel. Before he could get too far, however, a pair of red lights appeared in the darkness in front of him. "Shit!" he hissed, diving under a nearby boxcar. The bull Faunus held his breath, making no sound as a robotic Beringel lumbered through the tunnel, passing him by.

"We should've known the Atlas Titans would've had a bunch of their mechanized Grimm out looking for Adam," Blake sighed, her feline ears flattening against her head.

"Why doesn't he just destroy that thing?" Yang demanded. "He's defeated several robotic Beringels already."

"Yang, even with night vision, Faunus cannot see perfectly in the dark," Weiss informed the blonde brawler irritably. "Adam has no idea how many Beringels are down in the railroad tunnels with him."

Adam waited until the coast was clear, then crawled out from under the boxcar, and made his way deeper into the tunnel. As he came upon a large train engine, long out of service, he spied another mechanized Beringel perched atop the locomotive. Thinking quickly, the bull Faunus pressed himself against the side of the large train engine, waiting as the robotic Grimm scanned the area he had came from with its glowing red eyes. Letting out a mechanical grunt, it dropped down of the locomotive and stomped down the tunnels, away from Adam. Breathing a sigh of relief, the bull Faunus pushed his body off the train engine, continuing his way forward once again.

"There is a maintenance shaft up ahead," Blade Wolf's voice reported. "Use it to return to the surface."

"Understood," Adam nodded. He rounded a corner, and sure enough, he could see a smaller tunnel in front of him, the light of day shining on the other end.

"That was quick," Qrow grunted.

"And a good thing, too," Ozpin commented. "It would be extremely difficult to combat Grimm in the dark."

As Adam made his way toward the maintenance shaft, Blade Wolf continued to supply him with directions.

"Adam, it would appear your only way forward is to return to the surface. You will exit into an evacuated commercial district. Security is heavy, but you need not worry about collateral damage when engaging the enemy."

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