M-14: A Justice Rage, for All to Feel

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"I hope Adam saves those poor kids!" Ruby said worriedly, as the audience waited for the next episode to begin.

"I wouldn't worry, Rubes," Yang said reassuringly. "There hasn't been anyone in this facility who could stand against Adam so far. He'll save the kidnapped children. I'm sure of it."

"But what if that wolf Faunus- I mean, Crimson, is still in the facility?" Blake asked worriedly. "He might prove troublesome."

"From what we've heard, it sounds like he and the other guy left," Weiss pointed out, as the lights began to dim. "Still, it would be smart for Adam to be on his guard."

The episode began with Adam fighting a trio of soldiers, though the battle was blatantly one-sided. The bull Faunus blocked an overhead swing from a sword with Wilt, before shoving the blade away, cutting his assailant across the face. He swiftly pivoted into a stab, driving his sword through the middle of the soldier's chest. Adam spun away, ripping Wilt out of his assailant, who collapsed to the floor, blood spraying from his wound. A second soldier leaped into the fray, attempting to plunge his blade into the Faunus's stomach, but to his surprise, Blush was suddenly knocking his weapon aside. Adam shoved his sheath forward, firing off a trio of bullets with its built-in rifle, aiming for the man's waist. The first shot instantly shattered the soldier's Aura, allowing the other two bullets to tear through his body. With a cry, he fell backwards, a pair of bloodstains splattered on the wall behind him. The third soldier sliced at the Faunus with his sword, then raised his riot shield to block the counterattack he knew would come.

"Too late," Adam sneered, swinging Wilt upwards, forcing the man's arm into the air. As the large shield rose in front the soldier, the bull Faunus used it as a platform to roll on, quickly maneuvering behind his opponent. With a smirk, Adam quickly struck the man twice across the back, breaking his Aura, before driving Wilt down through the soldier's shoulder, nearly cutting him in half. The Faunus tore his sword out of his victim, watching as the soldier dropped to the ground in a spray of gore.

"Yuck!" Nora cringed, turning green. "That's so nasty!"

"Nora, are you feeling okay?" Pyrrha asked her teammate, concerned.

"She's still not accustomed to the sight of blood," Ren informed the Invincible Girl gently. "Neither of us are, because Grimm don't bleed." He then frowned at a sudden realization. "For Adam to behave so casually towards gore tells me he's seen more violence than anybody should."

"You have no idea," the bull Faunus nodded.

As Adam returned his sword back to its sheath, his intercom crackled to life.

"Bad news, Adam," Ilia reported, her voice thick with worry. "We can't find George."

"What?!" the bull Faunus demanded.

"Maybe the coordinates you sent us were wrong?" she suggested.

"Impossible," Blade Wolf interjected. "I merged the GPS location of our entry into the sewers with all my movement data. Adam's coordinates were 100% precise."

"This is bad..." the chameleon Faunus whispered.

"You think the Atlas Titans got to him first?" Adam asked darkly.

"They better not have!" Kali hissed, her eyes on fire and her ears flat against her head. "If they touched a single hair on that boy's head, I'll force-feed them their own hands!"

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