Chapter 3 | deitiy

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"What are you? Where did you come from-"

The detective took a step away from you, worried eyes scanning you up and down.

"My name is (y/n), I'm a love goddess from the realm of Aether. I believe kira has told you about Shinigami? Well the aether is full of deities that is essentially the opposite of them. We all protect humans and are pure beings. We stand for life, love, fertility, agriculture, nature and protection" you explained.

"a goddess? No... they can't exist"

His voice was shaky, unlike him from what you'd seen watching him over the past few weeks. The existence of divine beings was clearly worrying to him. He was definitely a man of logic and science, and something like this would throw off his knowledge of the world around him.

"We do L, science still exists. Your view and understanding of the world is still correct. It's just deities of both pure and dark intent exist in realms seperate to yours. We barely ever interact with humans, and when he do it's in times of great need. But this Shinigami has gone rouge and a human has picked up his power. We have no choice but to interfere to protect the human race and the balance of life and death"

You approached him, he slowly backed into a wall trying to step away from you. He was clearly shaken, confused, hardly believing his eyes.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to fix this situation and protect you. I've been watching you over the last few weeks, and I watched your life from the moment you were born using a pond of life up in the aether. They act as windows to the human world and show us the past and present of a humans life. You're in danger, L. I just want to keep you safe"

Unable to back away any further, you stood before him, reaching out to touch him again. Your hand caressed his cheek and he let you, frozen in confusion and slight fear.

"My darling boy, I've seen your past. It makes my heart ache. I don't want kira to be the cause of your tragic demise. I just want you safe. As a goddess of love I stand for all kinds of love. Familial, platonic, friendship, romantic and most importantly self love. I can see you don't have that, all the love deities would shed a tear over you, as I felt like doing so watching you. Your life is so precious, you deserve happiness, to love yourself and have others love you. Please, Lawliet. Let me help you"

He stayed silent, processing your words. Usually he's scoff at the thought of the existence of a god, but a winged woman was standing before him. He watched her materialise out of thin air, with his own two eyes he was being touched by a divine being who knew his past, his life and his real name. If he wanted to be safe in this case he essentially had no choice but to trust you and hope you didn't leak his name or lie to him.

"You're not going to hurt me?" He said.

"Honey, never. You're a delicate boy whose already been shattered many times before. I wouldn't dream of it"

He thought for a moment, he didn't have much of a choice now did he? You were a goddess, you had much more power than he did.

"H-how will you help me?"

You took a step back and drew in a deep breath, ready to explain your plan to him.

"Well, I'd have to take on a human form. That limits my power but I still have some. I need you to track down kira for me so I can talk to the Shinigami that would most definitely be following him around. I'd keep you safe as much as I can, stay nearby you and make sure you aren't being crossed by any negative entities. Once I can get information out of the Shinigami we can both stop kira. Since I'd have to act as a human, I can't exactly just take the notebook as humans aren't meant to know they exist and everyone would get suspicious... to start I just need you to track down kira. Not only is your life at risk here, but the peace of the aether and Shinigami realm. The rulers may have to start a war of things go too far..." you explained.


You took the mirror out of your bag, walking over to his side show him. He looked into the mirror but instead of seeing his reflection he saw an image of you and him from a birds eye view.

"This is one of the ways I've been watching you. But these mirrors are an amazing tool for us deities, and humans too when they know how to use them. Now, mirror please show me a Death Note"

The image on the mirror rippled into a drawing of a black book, white writing on the front.

"This is a Death Note. The Shinigami carry them 24/7. When a humans name is written in the book, they die within 40 seconds. That's why Kira can kill without being on the scene. As long as you write the name while picturing their face, they'll die. If no cause of death is specified, they'll just have a heart attack" you explained.

L felt like fainting from an information overload. The existence of kira had him questioning his beliefs to begin with, but now Shinigami, deities, other realms, magic and death notes have all been confirmed to him in under 10 minutes. Usually he'd call all this ridiculous but he was talking to you, a goddess with two massive wings sprouting from her back.

"Kira has one?" He questioned.

"Yes. A Shinigami must have dropped one. Once a human picks it's up it's their property, but the book is still tied to the Shinigami so they just go wherever the book goes. In order to see the Shinigami you must touch the book or paper from the book, the pages are infinite, so as long as kira has this book, the whole human race is at risk"

He sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration and stress.

"So basically as long as this book is out there, and I haven't touched it, this Shinigami could be anywhere?"

"Anywhere within the proximity of the book, or holder of the book"

L flopped back into the nearest chair and sighed again, looking dazed and uncomfortable.

"What the hell is going on? First a killer with a supernatural notebook, a Death god roaming around and now a love goddess is talking to me? What have I just gotten myself into?" He muttered to himself.

You walked around to the back of his chair, placing to fingers on his temples and gently rubbing them.

"Here, I won't be able to do this once I'm in a human form but this will clear your mind" you said.

The second you began to massage him, every single negative thought in his mind vanished in an instant. He completely forgot what he was even thinking.

"What did you just do?" He questioned.

"Took the stress out of your mind"

He was about to ask how that even worked, but then he remembered you were a literal goddess. You could probably so anything.

"I'll add one last thing to the pile on new information. If you do let me stay, and let me help you, I promise by all the deities in the aether that I won't utter your real name to a single soul expect yours when we are secluded" you said.

He looked up at you, who looked down at him. You certainly looked like a goddess, gorgeous eyes, glowing skin, beautiful hair. Your voice soft and sounded like a warm hug feels. Your dress look like that of a Greek mythological creature would wear. A wreath of red roses and golden leaves on your head. And of course the wings that fluttered ever so slightly as you breathed.

"I can trust you?"

"Absolutely. A goddess never breaks her promise"

He got up, turning to face you. Whatever you did to his head made him feel more steady and level headed, now able to make a clear decision.

"Alright, (y/n)... welcome to the case. After all, having a goddess on our side will be of massive help"

Ethereal {L Lawliet x Reader} • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now