Chapter 48 | absolute rage

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The Shinigami king looked at the furious goddess floating before him. Aphrodite was a woman of her word, a death note holder hurt you, and now she was seeing revenge on her behalf. Behind her stood her son Eros, arrow drawn at the Shinigami kings head.

"One shot from this arrow and you'll fall in love with the first human you see, kill for them and disintegrate into DUST. What do you have to say for yourself?" She snarled.

"Like I said lady, it's out of my hands. The death notes are part of the human realm when they hit the earth" he replied.


"There's nothing in the rules of the death note that say they can't be dropped"

"Add one then! You added the no reproduction rule because that human had a baby with the eyes after one of your subjects couldn't keep it wrapped up! Add that fucking rule or I shoot" Eros threatened.

"Look kid-"

"Don't you speak to us that way, we are Kami, more powerful than your pitiful kind" Aphrodite said.

"One of our love goddesses has lost a limb because of the stupid book you let land on the human realm, all your kind do is cause chaos, I could end your whole species with one arrow shot" Eros added.

The Shinigami king laughed, an evil grin on his face.

"Look, let's make a deal..."

Meanwhile, up in the highlands Near watched through Aphrodite's life pond as you took your first steps on your new prosthetic. It'd been a few days since you woke up. Aphrodite wanted to scream at the Shinigami king the second you were shot but waited to make sure you were ok first. Mello and Matt were outrunning Dionysus, who'd started a game of tag. He didn't really know too much about babysitting, that was Aphrodite's job. But he was the wine uncle in this current situation, he had to make them have fun somehow. And alcohol wasn't an option so he had to go to the basics.

"Hey that's not fair! You can't climb trees!" Matt yelled.

Mello looked down form the branch he'd jumped into, a smug look on his face.

"You never said anything about it in the rules" Mello replied.

He felt hands grab his shoulders, jumping and turning to see Dionysus.

"You're it!" He smirked.

"Not fair you're a Kami! You can float!"

"Let's stay on the ground then. No tree climbing, no floating. You're still it though"

Mello jumped down from the branch, chasing after the god and his gamer best friend. Near ignored their ruckus, looking down at the pond. You were learning quickly he could see you'd be out of hospital pretty soon at this rate. Aphrodite had dressed the boys up in deity robes, insisting they'd look adorable. Near actually rather liked it, it was comfortable and spacious. Like wearing a blanket. Wrapped up in the robes, he kicked his feet back and fourth gazing into the water. He knew the others as well as himself couldn't wait to see L again, and meet you.

"Aph! You're back!" Dionysus said.

Near looked up, seeing Aphrodite and Eros walk in.

"How'd it go?" Mello asked.

"We struck a deal. We hold back from waging war on them so the Shinigami can have a serious meeting about adding rules that prevent books from being dropped into the notes. But, if something further happens to L or (y/n), I'm setting the Kami on them" she explained.

"Well be safe if that happens right?" Matt asked.

"Only the most powerful entities and people they let in can get up here. You'll be fine. If a war happens it'll be in their realm"

Aphrodite came to sit beside near, ruffling his hair. The others all joined looking down at the pond.

"Shes doing well" Eros said.

"Shes a trooper that's for sure" Dionysus added.

"Of course she is, all love deities are. Pushing themselves for the ones they love" Aphrodite replied.

"Hey, what kind of deity did L turn into?" Mello asked.

Touching the pond, Aphrodite changed the image on it to one of L's wings, scanning them over.

"Interesting... I haven't seen wings like that before..." she mumbled.

"He's got the love deity heart curves, but the flare at the bottom... and it's more... blue? No purple tinge in the wings" Dionysus said.

"Unless... he's a mix?" Eros suggested.

The Kami looked at him, thinking about the validity of the suggestion.

"You know... it could be possible. The method in which his soul died was that of an act of love but he was doing it for justice. And he does have the appearance of both in his wings" Aphrodite said.

"A mixed deity huh? That would be one of the first atherials to achieve that. He'd be incredibly powerful at his full potential" Eros replied.

"Most mixes have been Kami so far, he might end up just as powerful as us if he trains up to it"

The boys gasped in awe, L had the potential to be a Kami? And was a mixed deity? That's so cool.

"Woah so he can do love deity powers AND justice deity powers?" Matt asked.

"With the right practice and tools, yes" Dionysus replied.

"Dude that so sick! He's gonna be getting whole religions dedicated to him at this rate" Mello said.

Aphrodite looked over at Near, who had been quiet the whole time while starring into the pond.

"What you thinking about buddy?" Aphrodite asked.

He was silent for a moment.

"Remember when L said he'd had weird déjà vu throughout the case?" He asked.


"Doesn't déjà vu come from past lives?"

"It does"

"It can't be (y/n) because he KNOWS she's his soulmate. He knows what happened to her. So what if it's someone else in the case? Did any of the taskforce have a past life with him?"

The Kami looked impressed. This kid was hella smart for a human.

"You know... maybe. Eros, Dionysus, can you grab the life logs of everyone in the case?" Aphrodite asked.

They agreed, getting up to head to the library to grab them. Near might be onto something here, maybe a past life of yours and L's was linked in some way to the Kira case happening in his life. That would explain a lot. The more Aphrodite thought about it, the more things started to make sense. She just hoped if there was a link...

It wasn't a bad one...

Ethereal {L Lawliet x Reader} • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now