Chapter 35 | screw up

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Holding L's hand under the table, you leaned against the desk, a little tired. You were getting kind of bored of listening to the taskforce talk so much. It was all stuff you already knew since you knew of the existence of the death notes. It was also a bit late so you were rather sleepy.

You were currently watching the two new taskforce members L had bought in a while ago. Wedy and Aiber. Most people would call them criminals, you'd call them espionage experts. Which technically yes, is a crime. But you did have a little soft spot for spies since they're usually doing it for a good purpose. Wedy had such confident queen energy you loved her attitude. She was glamorous, didn't take shit and looked like the kind of girl that's have a man at her feet kissing her shoes. You liked her, quite the woman.

Aiber had the 'rich guy in luxury' vibe. He was good at what he did. He could act well, was good at lying to get information. Always calm and collected. You actually quite liked them. But being protective of L you had a habit of keeping a close eye on those who see his face. But you were pretty sure these two were actually trustworthy here. They were actually pretty... vibey. And you also low key wanted that leather bodysuit wedy has, makes her look so powerful.

Not sure how that'd go with your wings though.

Snapping out of your daze, you head the computers beep. Looking up you saw an alert from Matsuda belt. Tracking his location you saw where he was, the yotsuba building.

"Oh for the love of the Kami..." you sighed.

You liked Matsuda, you really did. But he was a fucking idiot sometimes.


"Yes?" He replied.

You turned the monitor to him, he just sighed.

"Disregard everything I just said... Matsuda you idiot"

"What's your going on?" Light asked.

"Emergency alert form Matsuda. He's in the Yotsuba building" you said.

"Isn't he meant to be with Misa?"

"I'll call him, you call Misa" L said.

You picked up your phone, calling Misa's number. She picked up pretty quickly.

"(Y/n), thank god. I can't find Matsuda! And he's my ride home after the shoot! Is he with you?" She said.

"No, he's in the Yotsuba building, gotten himself in trouble again. I'll pick you up. Did you see him go anywhere before?" You replied.

"No, he was just gone when the scene ended"

"Damnit. Ok, wait on set. Well chase him down and I'll come pick you up"

"Thank you, it's getting cold out here... I think it might rain, I don't like the looks of those clouds"

You glanced out the window and sure enough, insane cloud coverage. Looks like storm clouds too. What Kami is mad now?

"Sit tight we'll figure it out" you said.

"Got it, thanks"

With that the conversation wrapped up. You hung up and turned back to L to watch his conversation. You don't know what you just walked into but you had to stifle your laughter hearing L putting on a slangy voice to talk undercover to Matsuda. When he hung up, he sighed in frustration.

"Ok... here's what we have to do... (y/n) you said you'd pick Misa up?"


"Have her contact her company, and organise a gathering at Yotsuba. That way we can get Matsuda out... it's likely he used being Misa's manager as a cover up. Then... it's extreme but he needs to die before he can be killed-"

Ethereal {L Lawliet x Reader} • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now