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Yana's POV:

We got on stage, my nervousness couldn't be higher, there were like 300 people sitting in front of us, some were screaming and cheering, some were just waiting for us to start, some were whispering to each other about us.

All of these details I was able to observe in just seconds, my thoughts and mind spinning like crazy. I've been on stage before, but this feeling was different. This was a once in a million opportunity for me and my group. We were from a country with very small Kpop comunity and low recognition, we actually couldn't believe we were here.

I shrugged off everything on my mind and just focused. Lilly made the signal to the staff member in charge of the music. The lights went off, people screaming and cheering, and then all went silent. I just set up my mind and focus. The music starts, everybody hyped.

5 minutes later, we finished our performance. People got up and started clapping and jumping, cheering so much we couldn't even believe our eyes. Nobody ever cheered for us this much, we were almost crying.

Time passed as we waited for the contest to end, and for the winner announcement. The host invited all the groups on stage before revealing the lucky winner.  One of the judges came on stage too with the final results.

"So this was very hard decision to make, every group was amazing and full of energy. We loved that. But one group stood out for their carisma, uniqueness, complexity, dance moves and energy. With that said, I'm proceding to announce the winner." The judge said before opening the envelope.

"And the winner for the First edition of Global K-pop contest is


W-what? I couldn't believe what I just heard. We actually won. Oh my god we actually won! Tears started rolling down as we hugged and stepped forward to recieve the certificate. Everybody on the Crowd was as excited as us. This was our dream coming true. The chance of being part of Kpop for a year.

One month later

A month passed by as we prepared for our year trip. We finished our last korean tests, we actually had been practicing Korean like a year even before the contest we won, we obviously had to dance AND sing in korean. Since we speak totaly different languages, it was a bit hard, but we actually learnt to speak and write it well.

I was spending some time with my boyfriend Joseph before going to sleep. Our flight is tomorrow night so I wanted to be with him before leaving for a while.

"Im gonna miss you so much baby" he said as he played with my hair, me laying my head on his lap.

"I'll miss you so much too, I can't stand the fact that we'll have totally different hours  and that I'll probably won't be able to call you or facetime you, not even my mom. They'll propably take my phone away or won't let me use it during the day.  But despite of all, this is something I really wanna do. I've dreamed of this for so long". 

I got up from his lap and kissed him, he hugged me tight and kissed my forehead.

"Just don't cheat on me with your idols." He chuckled with a joking tone as we headed to the door.

"Like they would ever meet me or talk to me" I giggled. "even so, don't worry. I love you so much."

I left his house, which was two blocks away from mine. I arrived to my house, it smelled amazing. My mom was making  like a goodbye dinner for me. I got to the kitchen and kissed her cheek.

"I'm already missing your kisses honey, what am I going to do without you for a year? I can't believe I agreed to let you go". She said while puting two plates on the table.

"Mom please don't worry, We'll be fine, Lilly said she'd take care of me" I said as I sat down.

"Oh yeah cause that's such relief" She said laughing.

She knew Lilly since she was born, a year after me. Our parents knew each other since they were Young. She did trust Lilly, it's just that she was as worried for her as for me. 

We talked and joked for about two hours, before we cleaned everything up and I went to sleep. I could't really sleep because of the excitement, but it was a 15 hour flight so I could just sleep on the plane.

We were all ready at the boarding gate, one of the councils from korean Embassy was going with us to guide us through out the flight and our arrival. We boarded the plane, our sits were all together in the same row. Soon, our plane left. This was still so unreal, I was leaving my country of an entire year. We all were excited to arrive and meet other idols, we were such fangirls.

15 hours passed and we landed in South Korea. We got off the plane, did all those check out things and luggage pick up and headed outside.

There was a big black car with a man waiting on the side, I noticed the car had a JYP ent Logo. The council talked to the man and we got in the car. We made an hour ride untill we arrived to Seoul. We drove for 15 more minutes before arriving to a tall building.

As we were taking our stuff out from the car, Natalie grabbed my arm.

"Okay don't panic."

Yeah well I inmediately panicked without even knowing what was she going to say.

"What? Why? What's wrong?" I said nervously.

"I assume you realized where are we; And at the entrance is Twice's Jihyo and Stray Kid's Bang Chan. Probably to greet us or something".

"Well thank you, I peed my pants". I said.

In fact, as we approached them, they smiled widely and greeted us. They introduced themselfes and started explaining things.

Bang Chan, as the sweetheart he is, explained everything in english so we could easily understand, although we understood korean well. They said JYP was chosen to be in charge of the winner of the contest, and so we'd be working under their agency name.

After a while we headed to a small building close to the JYP one, aparently, this was our new dorm. The council was just in charge of guiding us through the flight, so she left after we settled everything down.

The dorm was small but perfect for us, well equipped, hot water, wi-fi and TV. We chose rooms, me and Lilly of course together in a two bed room.

We went to buy things to make dinner, we ate, spent some hours talking about absolutely everything happening, and then went to sleep. Tomorrow is a great day. We'll meet JY Park and will define schedules and such. I internally wanted so much to be there so I can meet the rest of Stray Kids, or at least some time soon.

Hi guys! Happy 2021! Sorry if it's a long chapter, I just had to adjust everything. Now I'm starting to get excited hahaha. Also I haven't told you where is Yana from, I probably won't cause I don't have a place in mind. But it is a spanish speaking, that's for sure lol. Also if there is anything it doesn't make sense to you in my story I'm so sorry, it's my first time writing something.
Thank you for the reads!

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