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I couldn't sleep at all. All night I kept thinking about Hyunjin and what happened, but I was feeling awfully bad for Joseph. I know things haven't been exactly fine but we still loved each other, I can't just break up with him or something. I've been here for a month and a half and already struggling with something that doesn't have to do with dancing.

Still, Joseph didn't call me or message me since the time he said he will, but then again, I haven't called him either. I have spoken with my mom several times but I never have time for him. He doesn't really deserve me I guess.

I grabbed my cellphone and went to the balcony. I didn't want to wake up the girls. I went to FaceTime and called him.

"Well finally you decided to call me." He answered without greeting, angry. I'm always chill. I don't usually get angry or mad over something or someone, but this got me on my nerves.

"Excuse me?" I Said

"Well since you forgot you had a boyfriend."

"You seem to have forgotten it too. You said you'd call me the next day and never did. Besides, you know I'm busy. These days have been tiring so I barely get to sleep."

"Then why would I waste my time calling you, Yana?. You'll probably never answer me."

"Joseph, what is wrong with you? It's like 3 am here and still I manage to call you, and what do I get? Not even a "Hello" from you. And by the way, you could've just texted me and I could've managed to answer you at least by text."

"You know what Yana, I'm not in the mood, and I'm busy. Let's talk some other time, that is if you happen to have time for us."

"You know very clearly that this is something I have dreamed for so long, and yet you're clearly not happy for me."

"As I said, I'm busy."

"Is there something you want to tell me, Joseph? I know from the other night something is off."

"Nothing is off. I'm busy with college that's all. I don't have time to fight with you right now, I already told you."

"Good bye Joseph." I hunged up.

This wasn't supposed to be a fighting call. I called him to talk to him calmly about the other night, I wanted to ask him about his days, his family, to talk about what we've been doing.

But why did he answer like that? I can't stand rudeness. He was completely hostile from the beginning, I couldn't even say anything. I just don't get what is wrong with him. We have been kind of apart from a few months back, we did have small arguments from time to time, but isn't that normal for couples?

Too many things happening in my head, but I had to get some sleep, I had to get up early for practice, I didn't have time nor the will to be worried over Joseph.

For a moment, I actually thought of breaking up. Maybe a long distance relationship doesn't work after all. Although it's just one year, that's still much time, but how could I break up with him after two years? We've shared so much together. My head is going to explode.

After overthinking everything, I finally fell asleep.

Next morning, I made my way to practice room, Hyunjin wasn't there yet, I was too early. I took out my phone and started scrolling through Joseph's chat. Re reading messages, I noticed we have actually fought a lot over stupid things. We weren't like this before, and it's not because I'm here, these messages are months old. It seems like he's always the one who's annoyed by something.

Suddenly, a message pops up.

Are you here?
Here where?

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