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My hands and legs were shaking. Tears constantly rolling down my cheeks, I couldn't believe what I saw. I felt awfully betrayed and heartbroken, but at the same time I was extremely angry. I know we'd had a lot of fights, but this... another level.

I know I had mixed feelings with him and Hyunjin, yet never ever crossed my mind to cheat on him. If anything, I would have talked to him and brake up if it was the case; but since I love him, I didn't even think of that.

I heard the girls talking, Lilly came to the balcony to get me, and she saw me crying.

"Yana? Sweetie what's wrong?"

I unlocked my cellphone and showed her the photo.

"...is that-"

"That's him."

"That son of a bitch I swear Yana I'll kill him." She grinned.

"Lilly that's okay. I already know what to do."

"Kill him?"

I sighed. "I'll text him. I don't want to call him and see his face. I don't want this to ruin my trip, he's not getting that."

"Do you know who the girl is? Who sent you that?"

"My mom did. She saw him, I'm shocked she didn't kill him herself. I don't know who the girl is. It's not her fault tho."

"Well... I'm so sorry baby, this must be so hard." Lilly hugged me tight.

I wasn't going to let him ruin my happiness. If this is what he wants then fine. I'll text him later to end things, I don't even want an explanation, I don't need one. The more I think about it the more I don't care, actually. Maybe from that day a few months ago it was her. I called him while she was with him, that's why he wanted to end the the call so fast. It all makes sense now, and I was so stupid.

Still, I did felt sad. Thinking about every moment and memory together did hurt. Two years isn't nothing. I hate to admit this ruined my mood for today.

I asked Lilly not to tell anyone. I don't want people asking me what happened and all that. She agreed, and we finally left to the boys' dorm.

Han opened the door and welcomed us in. It smelled absolutely delicious. The boys had prepared some games and activities to spend the night. Although we were having fun, I was still kind of down. Felix noticed it, grabbed my hand and took me to the balcony, while everyone else was chatting and playing. I noticed Hyunjin glanced at us, but quickly moved his eyes away.

"Something is wrong with you. Is everything okay?" He looked at me with corncern.

I sighed yet again. "I'm not even going to hide it from you, it's useless. Joseph cheated on me today. And maybe since months ago."

His expression changed from worried to angry within seconds. I've never seen Felix so angry.

"Are you sure?" He asked, his voice lowered a lot. I took out my phone and showed him.

"Tsk. He's a fucking jerk."

"Wow you're actually swearing. Sunshine Lee Felix swears." I tried to light up the mood.

"Yeah well that's how angry I am right now." He snapped back, his voice still very low. Again, I asked him not to say anything. We went back inside and sat down to eat. At first we were all quiet, but eventually everybody started talking about the show being cancelled.

"It's a shame the special stages were cancelled. I was really looking forward to it" Natalie pouted. "We worked really hard and it was coming out beautifully." She added.

"We never got to see Yana and Hyunjin's duet, I bet it was beautiful too." Chan said.

I was about to say we could maybe rehearse one more time at the studio with everyone watching, but Hyunjin interrupted me all of a sudden.

"It was nothing special. Just a dance" he said with a cold expression. Everybody went silent again, looking at each other.

At the moment I didn't really get why he said that, and it did hurt me, but I tried to fix up the mood quickly.

"Yeah well it's nothing impressive he's right haha. But hey maybe we can dance to it one last time so they can see.

"Yeah!! That sounds great!!" I.N added all excited. The rest of the boys and girls were cheering and saying it was a great idea.

"Shall we do it?" I turned to Hyunjin with a smile, his face was blank.

"It's a waste of time, and it's not that cool either" He replied coldly.

I didn't know what do or what to say. First of all he was annoyed with me and everybody noticed, with his replies, and then, the fact that he discredited my hard work and dedication for the duet to be special, Hurt my feelings even more.

"Yeah... you're right. I didn't do a very good job." I looked down. I grabbed my plate and continued eating, a single tear rolled down through my cheek one again and ended up on my rice.

The atmosphere was very uncomfortable. It was obvious Hyunjin had a problem with me, and I didn't understand why. The girls managed to keep talking like if nothing happened, the boys followed.

As everybody else was talking once again, Felix stood up.

"Hyunjin. A word please." He commanded.

Hyunjin set his chopsticks aside and got up, they went to the back side of the dorm where the rooms are. I was still looking down so I didn't noticed where exactly did they go.

I got distracted by Minho and photos of his cats for a while now. He taught me their names and showed me pictures of them since they were kittens. I had way too much water, so I needed the restroom. I excused myself and got to the bathroom.

Since the dorms were exactly the same, I figured the bathroom would be the last door to the right. I was about to open it, when I heard Felix and Hyunjin talking. I wish I would have walked away, but I didn't, and I heard everything.

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