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I felt sad. I wanted to talk to him a lot more, He hadn't called me ever since I got here, not even to know if I arrived safe. I just figured he was busy with college and stuff, so I didn't really care.

However, something was off. He wasn't paying attention to me at all. I'm not the kind of girl who expects all her boyfriend's attention but man, twenty minutes of his day isn't so much to ask, is it?.

I felt frustrated. All the girls were already sleeping, it was quite late, around 12 midnight. I couldn't sleep at all, thinking about Joseph. Usually, when I'm feeling frustrated, I grab my earphones and dance a Little bit, But it was too late to go to the building to a dancing room, and the inside of our dorm was small. I still needed to let my frustrations out somehow.

I got up from my bed and headed to the balcony, there was little to enough space over there. I moved the little table and chairs inside the dorm so I had more space.

Of course, I checked the boys's balcony before dancing, cause well, you know. I didn't want anybody to look at me. Their light was still off, so I figured they weren't home yet. They really work hard.

I put my AirPods and put some music on. I just let everything out. Every movement I made was a frustration out of me, and it felt so good. I just let the music move me, every step, every turn, the cold breeze touching my skin, moving my hair.

The fresh air in and out of me. Unfortunately, I guess I got too overwhelmed, and next thing I new, I was tearing.

I still felt hurt, something about my boyfriend wasn't right. I didn't want to be dramatic, didn't want to jump into conclusions all of a sudden, but I felt it.

I came closer to the edge, and just closed my eyes for a second, the music stopped, but my tears didn't.

"Are you okay?" I heard someone say.

I turned around, only to see Hyunjin on the other side, with a worried face.

I thought there was no one there. I made sure there wasn't, and now I felt reaaally embarrassed.

Hyunjin's POV:

Since we finished practice early, the boys wanted to go shopping and have dinner out. Unfortunately, I was way too tired to go out; I practiced two hours before them, plus the other two with them. I just wanted to go home and rest a bit, since tomorrow we have to practice again, early.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come?" Chan said to me.

"No I'm fine hyung thanks." I picked up my bag and walked alongside him to the door. "You could bring me some food though, I'd appreciate it a lot."

"Sure. I'll text you when we're buying so you can choose what you want."


They started walking straight to town, as they weren't planning on stopping by the dorm, cause probably would end up staying. We parted ways at the entrance and of the dorm. I noticed the girl's dorm light was on, I figured they were having dinner.

I took a shower and changed to more comfy clothes. Since I didn't have anything to do, I turned the TV on and watched dramas. Around 10 pm,the boys came in.

"How come you never called me" I asked Chan.

"There wasn't anything apart from jjajangmyeon. So that's for dinner. That's why I didn't call you." he handed me the food. They all went to shower and straight to bed. I ate my dinner and kept watching my drama.

It was late, but I wasn't sleepy yet.

I should try to get some sleep. I'll go to the balcony to sit and listen to some music, maybe that and the cold can get me sleepy enough. I stood up and went outside, I sat at the far corner on a chair. I kept the lights off to avoid waking up Seungmin and Felix, since their room has a window with a perfect view to the light bulb.

The sound of furniture moving caught my attention after a few minutes. I glanced over to where the sound was coming from, to my side.

It was Yana, on their balcony, carefuly moving away the table and chairs. I wonder how can she bear the cold dressed like that, I'd be freezing. She was wearing pajama shorts and a crop top with long sleeves.

I thought I'd make some conversation, but she suddenly started to dance suddenly, Contemporary style.

I just observed, not being able to take my eyes off of her. She was dancing so beautifully, so passionate, her face expressions were soul piercing. The wind moved her hair perfectly, the dim light surrounding her figure made it look like a movie.

But... something about her dancing made me sad, my perception of her movements was sadness, frustration. I now felt like I was invading her space somehow, so I stood up to go inside.

Just before going in, She moved closer to the veranda, placing her hands on it. Shortly, I noticed She was crying, and of course, it made sense now, her expressions and movements.

It just came out of my mouth. I didn't even think of it, I just felt the urge to comfort her, somehow.

"Are you okay?"

She flinched, looking at my direction.

"How long have you been there?" She quickly wiped her tears with her sleeve.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you-"

"No, no! That's okay. It's just that I thought there was nobody there and I started dancing like an idiot-"

"Are you kidding me? That was one of the most beautiful dance routines I've ever seen." I said.

"Oh, uh, thank you so much. I appreciate that." She smiled.

"I'm sorry to ask, and if you don't want to talk then I understand, but, are you okay? You were crying." 

"Um, well I kind of feel weird today. It's not that I don't want to talk to you about it, I just think it doesn't worth your time." She said.

For some reason I didn't like the sound of that. I did want to know what's troubling her, to comfort her, and the fact that she said "my time" as if I'm someone that important, made me sad. I also have a million worries and frustrations too.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I suggested.

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