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"First of all, the boys are really happy you chose them." JYP started. In fact, the boys looked at us with happy faces and  excitement, similing brightly. We smiled back, with a bit of embarrassment.

"As you know, the MMAs are coming soon. The production has asked our company for 4 special stages, apart from each group's normal stage.  I already arranged with Twice the first one. I had this idea with you all, since you're collaborating."

"You're performing your collab as the first special stage. The song, you guys can choose, I'll leave you at the end so you can discuss it. Remeber to notify the staff as soon as possible so we can start with clothing and props. For the other two stages, I decided one will be a dance performance, and the other one, singing performance. Not all of you are gonna be in it, I'll choose who." JYP ended.

I was trying to process all, and I know the rest of the girls too. The idea of us performing with Stray Kids was crazy, but performing several stages with them AND on a award show, was mindblowing. We couldn't be luckier, seriously.

"Yana." JYP called me.  "Yes sir?" I looked up at him.

"You do contemporary dance, am I right?"

"Yes sir."

"Can you please perform a small routine for us?"

"Here? Now?" I asked almost fainting.

"Here and now, yes" JYP chuckled.

"Y-yes, sir, o-of course." I died. What was I going to perform? I didn't prepare anything, I wasn't mentally prepared for this. I kept thinking how bad I was going to mess up.

I stepped forward in front of the mirror. The girls all cheered up for me, I could see them through the mirror. Unconsciously, I looked to the side of the boys, and noticed Hyunjin was mouthing something at me. I turned around to face him, to finally understand what he was mouthing.

"Do the other night's routine" He said.

How could he remember that? That day I danced merely to the music, I didn't plan that choreography before or something. But somehow, I remembered all the steps, I truly don't know why I did.

I told Natalie what song to play, and just set my mind off blank. The music started, and I started dancing to it. I started to remember that night, and everything that happened. Some steps remained the same, but as I thought about that night, I changed some steps, unknowingly.

I finished dancing, the room filed with silence. I noticed the boys were looking at each other and looking back at me. Felix was smiling widely. Everybody started to clap and cheer, the girls doing fangirl screams. JYP himself was nodding and clapping.

"Thank you Yana, that was a beautiful routine. Did you learn this back at home?" He asked.

"I improvised it, sir."

"Well, you are very talented. It was beautiful. Your musical perception is great."

"Thank you so much" I bowed.

"It's decided." He clapped once. "I want Natalie, Lilly, Seungmin and I.N to have a singing stage, that'll be one of the specials."

Of course, all of them had amazing vocals, I bet they'd sound beautiful all together.

"For the dancing stage, I want Yana performing a new dance routine. You can choose the song and prepare the choreography as you like."

I was about to bow and thank him for the opportunity, but he continued. "... along with Hyunjin. It'll be a duet."

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