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I made my way down the building, still giggling at my escaping master plan, although I felt bad for Lixie, who knows what was he gonna say about me disappearing all of a sudden.

I started walking towards a spot that meant a lot to me, because it witnessed most of my precious memories; the bench at the park.

The park was oddly lonely, I saw a woman with her dog quite far away from where I was sitting, and she was already leaving.

The night was very breezy and cold, the sky completely clear, the stars shining brightly. I sat down on the bench, just contemplating the sky. At the moment I wasn't really thinking about anything, I was just admiring the view, trying to picture it well, so I could remember my last night there forever.

My eyes kept staring at one specific star, I had seen it for the first time the week we arrived here. It had caught my attention how shiny it was, more than any of the other stars. I remembered I googled its name, since it was curiously shiny, but now I couldn't remember it.

I kept trying to remember its name, but it just wasn't coming up to mind. As I kept looking at it, my phone buzzed, but I didn't really want to take it out, I was too into the star. It buzzed a second time, rolling my eyes, but never taking them off of the star, I took out my phone and opened the messages.

I glanced quickly at the notifications, noticing I had two messages from Felix.

I tried everything I could to make him stay, but he didn't listen to me like at all


"Sirius is too bright today."

I hadn't even processed Felix's messages, when someone said that to me. And by someone it wasn't just anyone, it was Hyunjin.

I looked at him with a blank expression, I was realizing what was happening. I looked back at the star; Sirius, that was its name. Did he read my mind?

I looked back at my phone, finally understanding Felix's messages.

"Can I sit here?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied dryly. I didn't mean to sound angry, I was just blank minded. He sat down beside me, we didn't say anything for a while, just plain silence.

"It's weird". I said after a minute or two.

"What is?" He asked.

"I was trying to remember that Star's name, but I just couldn't. The name kept wandering in my head but it didn't come out; and almost immediately you showed up, mentioning its name. Did you know?"

"I'm psychic. I read your mind." He said all proud of himself.

"Oh okay sure."

"I had to." He chuckled. "I was walking towards you and noticed you kept looking in that direction, so I just figured you were looking at it. I didn't know you didn't remember the name."

"That's such a cool coincidence."

"It is."

We remained silent for another minute, when he continued.

"Do you know why is it called Sirius?" He asked me.

"I think because it means "bright" in another language? Was it Latin?"

"Yup. They called it Sirius because it means "bright" in Latin, and it's the brightest star in the sky." He said while looking up too.

I looked again at the star and noticed it was indeed the brightest.

"You're right. Is it really the the brightest star in the sky?" I asked, but it was mostly to myself. I found that fact very fascinating.

"There's one star that shines even more." He replied.

"Really?" I asked, leaving my sight from the sky and landing on Hyunjin, as I was curious which other star was brighter. "Which star is it-"

I suddenly stopped talking, as Hyunjin was staring at me, with a flirty smile on his face.

"You're so cheesy."

"I know. But you have to admit you melted."

"I didn't."

"At least admit I pulled out a good one."

"Okay... I'll give you that. But it's still cheesy."


"Don't. I know what you came here for. We have been able to distance from each other perfectly for four months, don't ruin it."

"You're leaving tomorrow morning. Do you know how I feel?"

"Do you know how I feel? I have to go back and just let everything that happened here remain a memory. I won't be able to contact you anymore, just watch your upcoming videos and that's all."

"You can always message me... you have my number."

"What for? Why would I keep messaging you if we're not going to see each other ever again? That'll be too painful. I'd better delete your number right now."

"Yana" he grabbed my hand. Next thing I knew was me shaking him off and standing up, distancing from him.

"Hyunjin, don't!. My heart can't take the fact that I'll have to forget you and leave you. We'll NEVER see each other again, that's the reality. Please... My heart hurts so much."

He stood up, walking towards me. Every step he took forward, I took one back, trying to run away from him. I started almost running for real, I couldn't face him anymore, I was too overwhelmed.

"STOP FOLLOWING ME!" I yelled at him, desperate, while running away.

He managed to grab my wrist, pulling me to him harshly. I slammed my head on his chest, tears already falling from my eyes, as I was sobbing. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, he too, was crying.

"I am going to miss you like you can't imagine. I can't describe how my heart hurts, it hurts to leave from you." I sobbed, My breath in and out heavily.

"Do you think I'm fine? How do you think my heart handles this? I'm not fine. I have never regretted becoming an idol, ever. But right now, I hate the fact that the life I chose doesn't allow me to be with you, the fact that I can't or won't be with the girl I lov-"

"Don't say it. Please don't say it." I interrupted him.

"The girl I'm in love with, then."

I shut my eyes even harder. Hearing him saying that, hurt me more than it made me happy. I grabbed his coat with both hands, gripping each side of it, still sobbing.

"I can't stand the fact that I won't be able to be with the boy I'm in love with. I need to stop loving you, Hyunjin."

I looked up at him; his eyes completely red and full on tears, meeting mine, which were the same. It wasn't necessary to say anything else, our eyes said a thousand words. He cupped my cheeks, and kissed me, one last time.

It felt like our first kiss, it felt amazing, it was amazing. I missed his kisses, I missed his soft lips on mine, his hands caressing my face and my hair.

"If you want to stop loving me, go ahead; but I don't think I can stop loving you. I'll always think of you and remember you, every single day." He said.

"I'll still admire you for everything you do, and be happy for your achievements. I'll always support you and the boys on everything, but I will try to stop loving you like I do right now." I continued, "I feel so uneasy, I can't even explain it properly. I wish I could stay longer here, but that's it, my time with you ends today."

"Please, don't go back, please stay here." He said, still crying.

"As much as I want to stay, I can't. My life is across the world, not here. We are from two different worlds Hyunjin, and it'll have to remain like that. I can't stay and you can't leave."

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