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Hyunjin's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about Yana all night. First of all, I was so worried about her condition, and I'm glad I found her on time, and that later she started to feel better. Then, everything that happened as the night passed by. I wanted so bad to keep spending time with her like that. I felt I could open to her about so many more, and I think she felt the same way.

I thought about Felix too. Since they're so close I thought they liked each other, but I have heard him several times  talking about one of Yana's friends with Minho, so maybe it's not what I think. I should ask him tho, even if I like her, if he likes her too, I won't get in his way.

I got up early, I had dance practice with Yana. I was going to ask Felix about her, but he was already gone, along with Chan and Changbin. As I made my way to the building , I was thinking of asking Felix right away, and if it turns he doesn't like her, I'd ask her to grab lunch together, or coffe on the evening, I wanted to talk to her again like the other day, just casually.

I saw Chan on my way to the dance room.

"Good morning Hyung!" I said.

"Did you sleep well?" He tried to hug me, and I gagged.

"I did, I also got up easy this time." I chuckled. "Is Felix with you?"

"I saw him going to the practice rooms, maybe he's rehearsing." He sat down on a chair.

"Thanks!" I stepped back and headed to the practice rooms. There was only one light on, the one from practice room 1. As I was going to enter, I heard Felix, and also Yana.

I stopped, avoiding to be seen by them, I didn't know Yana was there, it was still early, and I wanted to talk to Felix about it. I got a bit nervous of being around both of them, but I figured I'd just ask Felix to accompany me elsewhere and then ask him.

As I was about to enter, I heard them.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" That was Felix. My heart stopped, my breathing getting heavier.

"You haven't, but I'll take it. I love you too." Yana replied.

I peeked through the window, only to see them hugging. He confessed to her and she accepted it. She probably broke up with her boyfriend some time ago. It was like everything crumbled inside of me, I was so heartbroken I actually wanted to cry. Why did I develop strong feelings for her? I had decided not to, yet I kept being around her. I can't keep doing that to Felix, I want him to be happy. I won't get in the way anymore.

Yana's POV:

I showed Hyunjin what I had so far for the routine. The song I chose was Shape of you, I really liked listening to Ed Sheeran, and the song fit the choreography well. That wasn't the song I danced to that night, but it went well with this song.

"I did my part of the routine, I will explain and teach you your part, but we need to figure the ending, I don't have anything yet."

"Why don't we add like a lift or something?" He asked, looking down.

"I haven't done any lift before, do you have any idea of a figure? Have you lifted someone before?" I chuckled.

"Here, let me show you." He signaled me to come closer.

He grabbed my waist with both hands, we were too close. I got nervous and couldn't even look at him. He lifted me like a feather and put me down again. His expression completely blank.

"So what I think is, as I throw you up, you can do some spin, and I can catch you when you're close to my chest". He suggested.

We tried that several times, until the spin came out really well. I taught him his part for the rest of the choreography, he got it pretty quickly. We danced to it again and again, but honestly we didn't had chemistry at all. I kept thinking since JYP told us to prepare that we could have an amazing chemistry for this, but I was wrong. Maybe I let my feelings think over my brain, and he didn't feel anything in any way for me, so he's just doing his job, and that's all.

"Do you want to go grab lunch?" I asked him.

"Uh, i have some things to do, maybe another time" he combed his black hair, bowing in a apologetic way.

"Oh... that's okay, maybe next time!" I said nervously. Why did I even ask him that? I guess I want to spend more time with him. I need to figure out what I want, I still keep thinking about Joseph, but in a guilty way.

"Well I have to go Yana, thanks for today, bye" he made his way to the door, and left. He was really down today, he isn't like that. He's always cheerful and happy, but not today. I had a feeling this practice was going to be amazing, I guess I was wrong.

The day went through well, I practiced with the girls dancing, singing, and also the collab with the boys. We were really excited about it, it was looking great. Chan and Sophia designed the costumes, they were very urban, with red and black. We also had been preparing for our debut music video. I always knew all the MV making was a long hard process, but it's much more than that, and it's  very very tiring; but I truly was living my dream here, along with my girls. I felt really happy.

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