Chapter Thirty-Eight.

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*This is the second of a double update.
Please make sure you've read
Chapter Thirty-Seven first!*

Trigger Warning:
Mention of blood and violence.


Being back in LA feels.. weird. I feel like I can't really say that I'm back home because I don't feel like I am. Now that I've spent time in Seattle, it's clear that this isn't my home anymore.

Seeing Cam again made me stupidly happy, though. I missed that little asshole a lot and I gave him the biggest hug I could and even though he pretended that he hated it, he held onto me and told me he was happy to see me.

We got to see Sophie too, which was nice even though it was only briefly. Finn hadn't seen her in years so it was cool to catch up, but now she's heading back home. Cam went to drop her off at the airport while Casey, Finn, Grace, and I went to dinner.

We all did disperse for a few hours, don't get me wrong. Casey and Grace went home to go shower and get Dot situated back there while Finn and I did the same thing here. He helped me unpack some things because I knew it'd sit in my suitcase if I didn't do it immediately.

But we got a little distracted so now I just have my suitcase on my bed half filled, but at least it's better than nothing.

We met back up with our pals to go try this new wrap and smoothie place downtown and let me just tell you, it was phenomenal.

I really, truly love spending time together. I love my friends and I love the memories we're making. Although things aren't going too hot when it comes to Mason, I'm happier than I've been in a long time. I wish I just realized sooner that my happiness really derives from who I spend time with.

It seems so obvious, but I don't know. I was so stuck in the mindset that I just had to deal with how I felt. I was sure that I was never going to feel the way I did back in Seattle, so I had to make do with what I had. I dealt with the way Theo treated me and I dealt with the abuse I got at work because I thought that that was just how life was going to be. It's only been a handful of months, but I don't even recognize that girl anymore. I don't want to be her again.

But I'm sure she'll come back every now and again. I'm not expecting to be a whole new person, I know better. I know that I'm still going to have my hard days and even though I'm with Finn, I'm going to feel lonely and upset at times. I'm just glad that even on those days, I know he'll be there to show me the love I didn't get to have the last couple of years.

We just got back to the apartment building, all of us piling out of my car that Finn drove. We're going to hang out here for a bit with Cam, who should be home soon from dropping off Sophie, but Grace is going to go pick up Dot so she's not alone.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go, gorgeous?" Casey asks for the fifteenth time since she said that's what she wanted to do. Grace walks up to him, putting her hands on his chest that is covered by a Thunderbirds sweatshirt. "Yes, I'm sure. I want to change out of these jeans anyway. I won't be long."

"Okay. Text me when you get there. Drive safe," Casey nods, leaning down and pressing his lips to hers. Finn rounds the car then, slipping his arm around my shoulder and starting to walk us towards the building, "Come on, it's starting to rain."

I can't even tell you the last time it rained. I'm glad it's going too, though. It's always so dry in LA and a nice refresh is really needed around here.

Grace is in her car and heading out of the parking lot by the time we get to the front doors of the apartment building, the three of us heading up. Finn and Casey are shoving each other and laughing as we're standing in the elevator, but I groan to myself when I check my jacket pocket to find it empty. "I left my phone in the car."

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