Chapter Fourteen.

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It's Christmas Eve and I'm currently shopping with every other person in LA, trying to get some last minute gifts done. I've gotten gifts for Cam and Grace but I just couldn't find something for Casey that I liked. I also wanted to get Finn something small, even though I know that I don't have too. But it's Christmas and I like giving presents. I also know that Finn would like anything I get him - he always has.

The last couple weeks have been nice. I've definitely simmered out and haven't been as stressed or anxious as I was. I've realized how unhappy I was for so long, how much I didn't actually enjoy my life and how I was just kind of just existing everyday as opposed to living.

There are days where I miss Theo, I won't lie, but those moments are fleeting more and more everyday. I still don't know if I really did love him as much as I thought I did. I really don't know what any of my feelings mean. I still don't care enough to figure them out, either.

I ended up getting Casey a nice leather bag that he can bring with him on the road. I know he's been using the same old bag as his carry on for longer than I've even known him, so I think he could use it.

Now I'm at a little stand at a market that's near the mall I got the bag at. I always pass it but I've never stopped, even though I've wanted too for a while. It's cute and has some nice homemade things - including some jewelry.

My eyes are drawn to a bracelet that is made up of small, round black stones. I pick it up with a small smile and can instantly see Finn wearing something like this.

"They're called lava rocks."

My gaze turns to the older woman behind the table I'm at, her lips tugged up slightly. I give her a warm smile before looking back at the bracelet, "Is there a meaning behind them?"

"Lava rocks are grounding stones. They balance your nerves and your emotions - calms anger. They bring tranquility and ease tempers. They're considered the stones of rebirth and fresh starts," she explains. My smile is growing as she speaks, my chest filling with warmth at her words. "It emanates success and growth. It's also used as protection and many people give them to their loved ones as a way to keep them safe from afar."

I know that these things could be seen as a rip off and that this woman is probably just playing off me, but I believe in this stuff. I believe in spirituality and that stones and rocks have deeper meanings and auras. This sounds perfect for Finn and I like the sentiment behind it a lot. I think he will too.

Besides, I really like the idea of giving him something that provides protection.

After purchasing the bracelet and learning that it absorbs essential oils and can be used as a diffuser as well, I'm on my way back to my apartment. My phone rings when I get inside my car and it doesn't surprise me when I see that it's Finn. It's like the guy has a sixth sense.

"Hey, Finn," I answer, putting him on speaker and turning on my car. I start to pull onto the road when he responds with a bit of pep in his voice. "Hi, Aves. What are you up too?"

"Just heading back to the apartment," I answer with a small smile, glancing over at the present thats sitting on my front seat. I have to wrap my gifts when I get home. "How about you?"

"I just landed in LA and I uh- I wanted to know if you were free tonight. I wanted to give you something.." he says. I can tell he's a little unsure of his words and he's still afraid that I'll tell him to fuck off. Half of me still wishes that I could.

"Did you get me a Christmas gift, Finnegan?" I ask, those damn flowers sprouting as his full name leaves my lips without thinking. I haven't said it in so long.

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