Chapter Twenty-Three.

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Right when things just start to go in the right direction.

I genuinely cannot believe that Mason fucking Hughes is back. I cannot believe that he was standing outside her apartment and that he looked like me.

After talking with Theo I realized that he was even driving the same car I had back in high school. Like what?

I don't get spooked often, but that really has left me with an uneasy feeling in my gut.

Aves is out of it, as to be expected, but I'm honestly really worried. She's not responding when I'm talking to her and I know it's because she's so wrapped up in her own head - I can literally see it. I wish there was something more I could do. I know her mind can be really mean to her and it kills me that I can't stop it.

She was basically falling asleep standing up when we were in the shower so I coaxed her out and now she's resting in her bed while I'm sitting in her living room. Cam had to go to work so I texted Case and told him to bring Grace to the apartment.

Avery mentioned while we were showering that she wanted to see her, so I figured that maybe she'll get a little bit of happiness running through her if she woke up and saw her here already.

Casey just texted me to let me know that they were on their way up so I'm standing guard at the door so Aves doesn't wake when they knock. I just want her to feel better.

A few minutes later, I hear Casey's laugh through the door so I open it. His arm is raised like he was about to knock and his eyebrows shoot up, "What, that excited to see me?"

"Keep your voice down, Aves is asleep," I shush him, looking over my shoulder at the closed door to her bedroom.

"You look pale, Finn," Grace observes, her face already showing worry. "Did something happen?"

"Come inside," I sigh, stepping out of the way so they can walk past me. They exchange looks before they do slowly and cautiously. "What's going on?"

I gently shut the door as I run a stressed hand through my hair, "Hughes is back. He was outside her apartment today."

Grace takes a step back like she was literally just punched in the gut, her hand flying to her mouth as she loses her balance a little bit. "No. You're kidding right? You're not serious?"

I shake my head as Casey's hand slips to the small of her back to steady her while his jaw slacks slightly, both of them looking mortified at the news. He's holding onto her when he whispers in disbelief, "He's back?"

I just nod in response and can't get anything else out because Grace is walking past me, "She's in there?"

"She was tired after a shower so we laid down for a bit and she was dozing off," I say, watching her go straight for Avery's door. "When I checked on her before she was asleep."

She just nods and gently opens the door before slipping inside, closing it behind her. I feel my shoulders drop a bit in relief knowing that she'll probably feel a bit better just being with Grace.

"Buddy," Casey snaps me out of my trance at the door. I look back at him and see his shoulders raised, "What the hell happened?"

"So fucking much," I sigh, shaking my head as I make my way to the couch. I sit down and rest my elbows on my knees, running my hands over my face while I start to explain.

"She picked me up from the airport and when we got home, Theo was here," I sigh. One moment I was fuming at just his existence and then the next I was grateful that he was chasing after Hughes because I knew I couldn't leave her. I didn't want to leave her.

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