Chapter Forty-Four.

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Casey's coming home today.

It's Saturday which means it's been nearly a week since he was stabbed and I really didn't know that an injury that severe would let him be home so soon.

But I'm beyond grateful for it. It'll be good to know that they're all in the same place. Especially since I'm leaving tomorrow.

I wish I could stay longer while he's here, but I can't. There's a game in Vegas on Monday and I have to be there. I'm sure I won't be on the ice as long as I usually would be, considering I've barely practiced the last few weeks, but just being there with my team is what I need to do.

That's something to think about in a couple of days, though. I've been at the rink Casey gave me access too the last couple of days and I've been doing some of my own training when at the house - going for runs, some cardio, and shooting out back on his synthetic ice. But right now, I'm just focused on getting Case home.

Avery's in better spirits today and has gone all out for his return. She gave Dot a bath and put a little bandana on her, she cleaned up the house, she even made a fucking banner.

She's being a shithead, though. He needs a shower chair, since he can't stand for long while in the shower - so she put a bow on one that we picked up for him and wrote a note on it that says A chair fit for a King.

I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it sitting in the living room. I still keep chuckling to myself when I think about it.

She went into work for a few hours this morning and even though I wanted to drive her more than anything, she went alone. I know it's better for her to do it, since she will be once I'm gone, but still. I'm fucking anxious.

I'm trying to distract myself by making sure the house is in order for him to come back. We've been living here without them and although we obviously didn't make a mess of the place, I just want them to be comfortable.

I feel like I'm gonna get the best nights sleep I've had this week tonight. Knowing that Avery, Casey, Grace, and Cam are all under the same roof as me is going to be like a fucking lullaby. I just want everyone to be safe.

I think everything is good around here. There's not much else I can do but wait for everyone to come home.

Delilah is sleeping on the couch, so I go and sit next to her. As soon as I'm sitting, she lifts her head to see whats going on and immediately stands up.

"Hey, babe. It's okay, you can go back to sleep," I tell her with a small smile as I bring my hand up to pet the side of her head. She doesn't even take a second before she's plopping back down, this time resting her head on my thigh. All this dog wants is to be pet and next to someone and it's the cutest shit in the world.

I can't fucking wait till we get our dog.

Once Delilah is settled, I pull my phone out of my pocket. I've been avoiding social media for obvious reasons, but I'm curious to see what's been going on. I'm still going to steer clear of my tweet and it's replies - at least I'm going to attempt too.

My guys are playing Arizona tonight, so there's just the usual chatter around the game. I do feel a bit of FOMO looking at the lineup and not seeing my name, I won't lie. I miss being on the ice. I miss competing.

I notice a tweet that has a quote from Seb during his press today.

Sebastien Moreau on Finn Wilder: "We've kept in touch with him, he's been open with us about what's happening. We just want him and his family safe. Some things are just bigger than hockey."

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