Chapter 1: What's an RPG?

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'...Huh? Where am I?'

A boy with bright blonde hair wearing orange clothes glanced around the small room with blurry eyes. He tried to recall his memories, but his mind was a bit fuzzy.

When his eyes finally adjusted, the boy found himself in a small dark room.

Sitting across from him in the small space was a girl who was smiling at him.


The boy mentally kicked himself for stuttering, but he couldn't help himself because the woman was that beautiful.

Long silver-white hair, with violet eyes and a heart-shaped face. The girl could only be compared to an angel and even a goddess.

The girl's eyes had a hint of sadness in them.

"Hello, Uzumaki Naruto. Welcome to the world after life ends. I am the goddess who will guide your way, Eris."


Seeing the confusion on Naruto's face, the goddess continued with an almost apologetic look.

"There is no easy way to say this, but your time in the mortal world is over."

As if a switch had been flipped, the memories of the war began to rush into Naruto's head.

"Ah, so that's how it is. I died."

Despite knowing that he was dead, Naruto felt strangely calm. Like he already knew that everything was going to be okay.

"Um, Eris? Can I ask you something? How did everything turn out? Did the war end? Did we win?"

Eris smiled, and Naruto immediately felt a sense of relief. The goddess radiated serenity, and it made him feel relaxed.

"The Fourth Great Shinobi War has indeed ended. After you and your friend defeated against strong enemy, Obito sacrificed himself and revived all of the lives lost in the war."

"That Rinnegan technique that Nagato used to revive everyone? But wait, how did I die?"

After Naruto asked that, Eris gained a sour expression.

"The mastermind behind it all, Black Zetsu, tried to take over your body after Obito finished using the technique and perished. Because you were so drained from your previous battles, it took your all just to keep Black Zetsu from attacking your friends with your body. Then you..."

"...asked Sasuke to kill me, along with that Black Zetsu bastard."

Naruto finished when the memories of his death finally came back. In a last-ditch act of rage, Black Zetsu was going to use his body to kill everyone that he held dear to him. If Sasuke wasn't there, Naruto likely would have had his precious people's blood on his hands.

Leaning back in the chair he was sitting in, Naruto took in a deep breath. Sasuke was in a dark place, what with his claim of killing the current Kage and revolution.

'But the look on Sasuke's face while I was dying is all I need to trust that he will do the right thing.'

Naruto thought with a short nod, he had no choice but to believe.

Naruto X Konosuba - A Ninja Takes On This Wonderful World!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt