Chapter 39: Meanwhile

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Crimson Demon Village...

The door to a certain divination shop opened as a young girl with black hair that twirled at the tips walked in.

The owner of the shop looked up with a knowing smile.

"Good morning, Arue. I had a vision that you would visit my shop today."

"So it seems, Soketto. Then I take it you already know why I am here?"

Arue asked with narrowed eyes as she walked over to a nearby window and closed the curtains.

"I have foreshadowed that this day would come. I assume you have finished deciphering the tome that our ancestors have left us?"

"Not quite. It is near completion, but I require the eyes of a female mage born from the line of our chief. Only then will we uncover the truth."

This caused Soketto's eyes to widen ever so slightly. But she was quick to retain her calm yet calculating expression.

"The chief would not allow such actions."

"That is why it must be done in secret. Without magic."

Arue said while peeking outside the curtains to make sure no one was eavesdropping on their conversation. Seemingly satisfied that no one was watching, Arue walked over to Soketto's desk and placed a small scroll in front of her.

Soketto eyed the scroll for a moment, but her attention was drawn to the sound of the of the door opening once more and saw that Arue was already leaving.

"...Is Ero-Senin aware of this scroll's existence?"

"...No, and I intend to keep it that way. Now I must leave and perform the forbidden ritual to keep Ero-Senin's vision off our village for the time being."

Arue said and closed the door behind her.

Soketto stared at the door for a few moments, then looked back at the scroll that had found its way into her hands.

"You can come out now."


In the corner of the room, the very space became distorted as a cloaked man appeared out of thin air.

"You were aware of my presence..."

"Of course. Just who do you think I am?"

Soketto said with a tone of amusement, causing the boy to advert his gaze.

"I have a task for you, Buzucoily."



Jiraiya wheezed, his voice echoing off the walls of the nearly empty hot springs.

"What is wrong, my comrade? Don't tell me you're catching a cold in a hot spring? Hahaha!"

A man that looked to be of similar age to the sage said before bellowing with laughter.

"No, it's not that... I think that pipsqueak is pretending to place a curse on me again."

Jiraiya said and let out a tired sigh. He loved the Crimson Demon Village, for it was known to have plenty of beautiful woman. But for some reason, he was super popular with the kids. Especially a certain mage that aspired to be an author like him.

"Gah! Why can't I have this sort of luck with mature woman!? Curse the Goddess of Water for my bad luck!"

The shinobi shouted, but realized he said something that was considered taboo in the city that was the headquarters of the Water Goddess's followers.

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