Chapter 19: Venturing into this Village of Wizards

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After catching up with his long-lost mentor, surviving a brief encounter with the Axis Cultists, and escaping the clutches of lusty orc woman, Naruto found himself standing at the front gates of a small village.

The Crimson Magic Village.

'I should have known... I mean, Ero-Senin said he knew a mage that would probably go on hard quests with me.'

Naruto thought with a bitter smile on his face as he took in the scenery. He knew very little about the Home of the Crimson Magic, but from what Megumin had told him it was a town full of Arch Wizards. Which is one of the reasons Naruto felt he should have guessed this was where Jiraiya was taking him.

At the front of the entrance to the village stood a very realistic looking statue. It had the head and wings of an eagle, and the body of a lion.

Jiraiya followed the blonde's gaze and walked over to the statue.

"This is a griffon, which is one of the monsters from the quest you want to take on."

"It must be pretty strong if the Crimson Magic Clan keeps a statue of one at the front of their village."

Naruto said as he marveled at how life-like the statue was. Just looking at the monster made him grow excited.

"Actually, this poor sucker made the mistake of flying into the village and got petrified by one of the mages. They decided keep it here as a landmark where groups could meet up."

Jiraiya said while patting the griffon statue a few times.


Naruto gaped as his mentor walked past him. From what Luna had told him about griffons, they were one of the more powerful monsters out there. Which was part of the reason why the quest he wanted to take required him forming a party of experienced adventurers in the first place.

Megumin was the only Crimson Magic Clansman he knew, and the girl was a short-fused kid who could only use one spell a day. While that spell was super powerful, it was also very inefficient in battle.

But for someone to turn such a powerful beast into stone and casually decide to keep it as reference point in the village... Was the Crimson Magic Clan actually something amazing?

Naruto shook his head and followed Jiraiya into the village.

As they walked through the entrance, Naruto sensed an overwhelming magical presence. But it wasn't hard to tell where it was coming from as the people going about their day strolled by. He could sense a great amount of mana from each and every person that walked passed them. Even the children running around had an abnormal amount of mana in them.

As expected of a town of mages.

"It seems you're able to sense all the mana in the villagers. That's funny, since I don't remember you being a sensor type at all back then."

Jiraiya said, and Naruto snickered.

"Of course! Learning how to sense mana was one of the first things I trained for when I got here!"

Naruto stated proudly, and Jiraiya seemed impressed. If that was enough to impress the older man, Naruto couldn't wait to see the look on Jiraiya's face when he showed him Sage Mode.

But the mana wasn't the only thing Naruto had noticed.

"You know, everyone here is kinda dressed like Megumin. Actually, they all kinda look like Megumin."

Naruto said as he took in the appearance of all the mages they passed by. Just like the little girl back in Axel Town, the mages here all had black hair and red eyes and were wearing a mixture of black and red clothing with capes.

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