Chapter 29: Erotic Dreams About Cabbages?

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'Ninety-eight...! Ninety-nine...! One-hundred cabbages defeated! Take that Aqua!'

Naruto cheered as he cut off the wings of his one-hundredth cabbage. He was standing in the middle of the familiar battlefield between the adventurers and the army of cabbages. What a glorious battle it had been, and now he was reliving it in the form of a dream.

How did he know it was a dream? The fact that Aqua's fuming face was distorted in squiggles only a child could draw was a dead giveaway.

But since Naruto knew he was in a dream, he was going to take full advantage of it and continue to make Aqua suffer in the form of killing even more cabbages than her!

'Get back! I'll hold off the enemy!'

As the shinobi continued to slice-and-dice his vegetable foes, he heard a familiar voice and turned to see Darkness standing over a very cartoonish-looking adventurer.

'Oh yeah, this was the part when Darkness was protecting that adventurer from the cabbages... Eh?'

Naruto became slack-jawed when he saw the current state Darkness was in. All her armor was scattered on the ground, and her clothes weren't any better. There were rips and tears all over her form, which revealed a lot of skin.

Needless to say, it made Darkness look very erotic.

While Naruto was struggling to keep his eyes away from the girl's nearly revealed parts, he noticed a giant cabbage making its way towards her blind spot.

'Watch out!'

Naruto ran over to Darkness and tackled her out of the way just as the giant cabbage bulldozed over the area.

The blondes proceeded to roll down a long hill, whilst embracing one another, until they came to a stop in a pile of brightly colored flowers that shot up into the air.

Naruto groaned as his head continued to swirl. This was quite the realistic dream he was having if he could even feel the repercussion of involuntary spinning.

But as his hands mindlessly explored the area around him he felt a sudden sense of relief, so he embraced it and snuggled into what felt like the softest pillows he had ever felt. It smelled good too...

Wait. Pillows didn't smell this good.

Naruto warily opened his eyes and discovered that he was in fact snuggling closely into Darkness's bosom, and even had his arms and legs wrapped around her body like one might hold a pillow in the middle of the night.

'Wah! I'm sorry! It's not what you think! I'm not a pervert that takes advantage of the situation like Kazuma, I swear!'

Naruto yelled and scrambled to stand up, but he stumbled on his own two feet and fell on his butt and held his head down in shame. He didn't even know the girl that much, but now she was going to hate him.

But just as he thought his friendship with Darkness was over before it even started, he heard a soft giggle. He looked back up to see Darkness laughing into her hand, and he couldn't help but blush.

The light, and the brightly colored flowers surrounding them, it all just complimented just how beautiful Darkness looked to him right now.

Her tattered clothing wasn't helping either.

'That's okay, you saved my life. An action like that deserves a reward, does it not?'

...Hang on. Something about this whole scenario was strange.

Why was Darkness pushing him down? Why was she taking her shirt off? Why was she coming closer to him? Where did the cabbages go!?

'Give in to the pleasure... Hnn!?'

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