Chapter 26: A Completion to this Shinobi's Party

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"-and so I punished the evil Eris Cult by kicking rocks into their church's windows! Ah... That was a good day... At least until I was unjustly arrested for some reason."

"Of course you were arrested! Why would you do that!? All they did was tell the truth about you crazy Axis Cultists!"

Naruto and Cecily were sitting at the table in his kitchen. She had made a batch of what she called "Tokoroten Slime", which was jelly-like candy. But if Naruto remembered correctly, the stuff was illegal in this country so he wanted nothing to do with it.

If the police asked, an Axis Cultist broke into his apartment and made a batch without his permission.

"Oh, they were obviously telling lies. We Axis Cultist never do anything wrong. If our desire to recruit is not acceptable, then it's clearly society that's at fault. If anything, I was applying divine justice bless by Lady Aqua herself!"

Cecily said while waving her hand dismissively.

'That makes absolutely no sense... But why do I see Aqua saying the same exact thing?'

Naruto thought with a sweatdrop. But enough of this nonsense, it was time to get serious. He wanted nothing to do with this troublesome priestess. The sooner he found out what she truly wanted, the sooner he could figure out a way to get rid of her.

"Why did you really come here? I highly doubt you really want to marry me. I mean, we only just met."

"Oh, you... Don't you believe in love at first sight?"

Cecily asked while fluttering her eyelashes, but Naruto wasn't having any of it and simply crossed his arms.

"Sheesh, what a serious man. You won't get a girlfriend with that kind of attitude."

"Th-that's none of your business! Now tell me what you want!"

Naruto fumed at the mentioning of the recently developing touchy subject.

Cecily snickered at his reaction, which caused the male's face to turn even redder in frustration.

"Alright, you got me. It seems I have to reveal my true mission. The truth is..."


Naruto's eyes were bulging out of their sockets when Cecily finished telling her story.

"You owe that restaurant four-million Eris!?"

"Yes, it is quite unfortunate. They agreed to let me use the restaurant when I told them I would be using it to recruit a handsome, and rich, young man into the Axis Cult."

Cecily explained, and Naruto slammed his hands on the table.

"So you admit it was all just a scam!"

"Obviously I couldn't pay the fee, as I was hoping my husband-to-be would pay for his beautiful wife's debts..."

Cecily trailed off with a wink, but Naruto simply adverted his gaze.

"But when I failed to convert you to the Axis Cult, that left the owner in quite a foul mood. He said something about messing with his profits for no results. So I escaped Alcanretia, my home, to the town of beginners with an unreasonable debt. The Axis Cult church here is quite underhanded, you see. I figured if I were to bring a raise to our number of worshipers in this town, then I could be pardoned of my debts!"

"I don't think it'll work out that way. Actually, aren't you just running away from your problems? You should stop wasting your time and start working."

Naruto retorted when the girl proudly explained her plans, but Cecily remained unfazed. In fact, her smile only grew.

"That's what I plan on doing, as that falls onto my second plan! As my future husband-"

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