Chapter 41: Take Thy Foot, My Dear Adventurers!

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Mother? Father? How are you doing? I'm doing well here in this new world... Is what I would like to say, but unfortunately your son is neck-deep in debt because of a couple problem children I found myself acquainted with.

First, I made the mistake of bringing a bratty goddess with me to this world instead of a cheat item or power that I could have used to live a trouble-free life. She's a lazy, loudmouthed, attention whore whose only strong points is healing and party tricks. On top of that, she is always complaining about having to work even though all the debt we're in is all her fault!

Then I recruited a little girl from a renowned clan of mages. This clan is apparently known for their naturally high intelligence stat and vast mana reserves. My ass! This mage is only able to use one spell, and despite its incredible firepower it's completely useless! After one shot, she goes limp from mana exhaustion and doesn't even have the energy to stand! But even after I confronted her about this, the little brat refuses to learn any other spells! So much for having high intelligence and mana reserves!

The last member of my party is female knight. She's just like those cool beauties I used to read about in manga... But don't let that fool you! Underneath that beautiful skin is a complete, and hopeless pervert! She keeps going on about protecting her party members and fellow adventurers, but all she wants to do is feel the pleasure of taking all the hits! The cool beauty I could have had to keep me sane, and I get a masochist! What a waste. I could have looked passed her weird personality, she's a beauty after all. But this fool can't swing a sword to save her life!

But even though I say all this, it's not like I can just abandon them... It was my fault for choosing to bring the goddess with me. She doesn't have any offensive power and can't go back home to heaven until I defeat the Demon King. The mage likely wouldn't be able to find another party to take her, and her Explosion magic is quite reliable when strong enemies appear. As for the female knight... She is a beauty, so having her around isn't all that bad.

Oh, I guess there's one more person I should mention. A kouhai of mine, a guy that claims to have been a ninja in his past life. But he's got blonde hair, blue eyes, and has a mouth that's almost as big as the goddesses. On top of that, he wears bright oranges clothes. What kind of ninja wears orange? This guy obviously came from our world, but maybe he lived in a foreign country. America maybe? But this guy has proved to be one of the only people I could consider sane in this fantasy world, if not a little shonen-like. Unlike me, he chose to bring a cheat power to this world. Despite this, he still chooses to live in the Town of Beginners and helps an unfortunate shopkeeper I know. I also heard he helps the pretty receptionist Onee-Chan at the guild. He seems like a nice guy, but he often picks fights with my party members. Not so much the female knight, but more the goddess and the mage. He pulls a few pranks on them every now and then.

The guy recently formed a party of his own, bless his soul... A delinquent adventurer who would rather spend a night in a cell than pay for his dinner, a cute mage that actually knows how to use magic but has no social skills to speak of, and a priestess from a cult that follows a religion that the goddess in my party is worshiped as its figurehead.

I'd trade parties without hesitation, if only for the mage. But like I said, I can't just abandon those problem children of mine. That, and I don't think the self-proclaimed ninja would be able to handle those three by himself... I've become quite the responsible man, haven't I?

Well, it's time for me to set off on my next adventure. The ninja promised to help my party settle our debts, so we might just be saved yet. Take care, my beloved parents.

Your son, Satou Kazuma.

"...Oi. Get up. We need to go on a quest today."

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